#103 Glah! The Things I Do

Feeling: adventurous
WELL today imma do something that i got conned into by the girl i like(stephaine) and her friends.. im gonna go walk around as a full blown hardcore emo kid.. this is gonna be hilariously embarassing plus imma freeze my nuts off pray for my nuts!!!!!!
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Gla hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah !!! to you too you psycho-boy.
one word...rasin
you're probably good at it because you ARE an emo kid! :O
I pray for thee nuts :p

Emo..dear lord be sure to follow my step by step instructions in my SIT.

Kristen is praying for your nuts....
so you're dressing up as an emo kid and you will freeze your nuts off..that's um interesting. So you must be from somewhere that's pretty cold right now.
hahaha your nuts will be in my prayers.
hey how about you stop feelin' so sorry for your nuts and send me a million and one comments. Great idea! huh? I'm so bored Adam you can't even comprehend.