Party Like A Rockstar?

Feeling: carefree
I don't even like this song. o.O? Well, we won our soccer game yesterday. ^^ First game of the season and we won it 3-1! I din't make a goal, but I took, like, twenty shots on goal. I was attempting shots like every couple of minutes. (( Ask Tiger or... *evil glare* Kat )) OMG! Our uniforms are so neon that our faces were reflecting the color! XD *points to a lime/neon green jersey* I hope our picture don't have it where out faces turn out to be green! Er... I hope our faces don't turn out green in our pictures. That way makes more sense, huh. ^^' I can't wait 'till tomorrow! Alex gets to drive me home from school! And he's got something planned and he won't tell me what it is... 'cause during third block (( english )) we were passing a note and he said that he couldn't wait till Monday. When I asked him "why?" he said that I'd just have to wait and see. Ah! ^^ Uncle Dale's brother David got in a bad car crash two nights ago. So now we have two of his three children staying here with Aunt Brenda for a couple of months. Dear god... that means that they'll be here when I come over on the weekends. And I don't like little kids that much... they're, like, four and eight years old and wild as rattlesnakes! I'll end up choking one... X( So not cool... So there's Dustin, Brooke, and Brandy I have to put up with now... *shity eyes as she grins slowly* But not next weekend... I have a plan... I'm still working on a cover story, though... but I'm working something out in my mind right now... I'm prolly gonna get caught and grounded for the next two and a half years that I'll be living with Greg, but... oh well. To be young and stupid. *wistful sigh* I love this song! (( Goin' Crazy by Natalie )) *laughs* Robbie! Oh, and about James... he hurts me so much... he knows that I'm not over him and that I still love him, but does he care? Nuu... he goes out and does any possible thing to squeeze my heart until it bleeds... revenge is a cruel thing. He is an asshole to my now and he knows it hurts me so he keeps doing it. Ah! One of my favorite songs! Jet - Look what you've done
Read 4 comments
Aw, hope your uncle dale's brother gets better.
You still don't like kat eh?
That sucks about James. =(

Oh, and about the 64D forum, me and my friend might clear the database (Meaning you'll lose your account) for the main site, so you might not get my comment that I left you, so I'll write it here:
Woah, a member. =P
The forum kind of died, and since it won't be used with the main site, I just took it out of the menu.

If you still want to go to it, it's at

lol, the site isn't supposed to be up yet. But meh. It's almost done.

By the time you login again, it might be up. =P
Hey I like your new sD design it's awesome
my friend babyteddyboo loves that song going crazy it is a great song!!!