Rob said to me this moring, after many minutes of nagging from me, that he currently had a huge crush on me. He said that Terry did, too. But I already knew that, cause Terry's always flirting with me. James said that there are a lot of ppl who like me. Maybe its true...? Anyways, I absolutely love my ppl! They're so hilarious! Last night was the best! AH! MUST GO INTO VAGUE DETAIL!!! Okay, first we went to the grocery store and after we had gotton our $200 worth of food, Greg and me went to the van to feed Sadie cause she was getting fussy. Well, Greg told me not to help them load the groceries, so Dana and him are back there getting soaked and Dana's wearing a thin white dress shirt, so I felt really sorry for her. When we got everything in, we stared for home, We get half way there and I start to notice something that smells a lot like Sadies milk formula. Gregs sitting there driving a giggling a bit in his wierd little giggle. Dana's gets this look on her face,then Greg bursts out laughing. Not only that, but the van was hot because it was raining outside, so that like made the fart ten times worse. So me and Dana are over here dying and Gregs laughing his ass off. So, we get home and Dana's all worried about her van seat because Greg had to jerk on one the back seats out to make room for the groceries before we left. So its sitting on the porch collecting rainwater from the wind and Dana's digging her claws into Gregs arm abuot it. We drive around back cause thats where the back door is. By then its raining really hard and its lighting and thundering. So Greg says he's going to back up to the steps and for us to listen for when he hits something. So here we are backing up really slowly, and we're all quiet. Out of nowhere Dana yells really loud, "BAM!!!" and Greg and me jump about a mile and Greg almost runs over the grill. Then Greg shuts off the van and hops out to unlock the back door. Right after he got out Dana turns around and says to me, "I forgot to tell him that both locks are locked on the door." so Greg has to stand out in the rain for like and extra five minutes unlocking the second lock on the door. Me and Dana notice another really bad smell after Greg gets back in the van and backs up all the way, onto th patio, and up to the steps. Greg starts giggling again and Dana turns to him and laugh/yells "You shit again, didn't you!" and he sort of nods a little and she says, "You did it right before you got out of the van didn't you!" and he bursts out laughing again. I'm just sitting there in the back seat dieing from lack of sanatary air supply. Sadie's just screaming from joy during the whole experience. Thats about it. ^^ I have my hair up in cute pig tails today! ^^
Read 7 comments
roflmfao. Oh my god ryoko I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You rock. I wish my family got along like that. ::Is over here laughing really hard::
And no she is not preggy. I'll tell you but you can't say a thing to anyone.
thats fucking funny
i love anime and manga exspeshaly wolfs rain, witch hunter robin, and inuyasha (but who dosn't) theres more but this off the top of my head
mwahahahahaha. that's great. yay for having funny days!!! hooray. but anyways. hope you are doing well, it's kinda weird but i like always comment on your journal now...CRAZY!!:S. anyways. have a super rad day! --Kat(kickearl)
Hey! Cute diary. Did you paint that picture of that stick person? It's cool.
how can you not love ferrets!? they rule!!!!! you have good taste.
: P