Not really... I just saw it and laughed. *shrugs* I went to church last night and WOW! Stuart (( Lockes Bro ))actually talked to me... AND he was willing! I think that I might be winning him back. ^^ We didn't have school yesterday... it was okay. It rained so much that some placed where flooded out! ^^ Good ol' Smithville. Anyways, back to church... Well, I was sitting in a pew and James was laying his head on my shoulder and whispering... stuff... in my ear. Stuart was sitting behind us and Kayla (( Locke's sister )) was sitting down the pew from me and James. This was after play practice, mind you. ^^ Anyways, Stuart picked up my keychain and started looking at it. What I didn't realize was that he had taken my house key off!! I didn't realize it until James told me! Well, I told Stuart to give me my key back and he said that he didn't have it and I saw him give it to James. I forgot about it... so James went home last night with my house key! And when I woke up this morning the front door of my house was open! No lie! I was like, "WTF??" and then I though James might had tried to enter and rape me like he said he was going to do.Oh well, I have my key back and I closed the door behind me this morning. ^^ We finally have our Christmas tree up. It's a huge ass tree! It looks really good. ^^ I got on MSN Messenger yesterday and Locke sent me the pic's she took of me and James. So now I have a pic of me and James for my display pic. ^^ Its cool. OMG! I'm getting braces! I have two dentist appoinments this month and then after that, I'm getting them! James is getting his taken off soon, so we don't have to wory about them getting... locked up! Hahahaha!! ^^ Well, thats all I think. ^^
Read 4 comments
Wouldn't want that to happen would we miss Ryoko?
Woah, your door was open eh? Scary.
Stuart sounds like he needs to stay in church a bit longer...=)
Congrats on the pics! I know you have some now. I'm going to bug you until you show me.
Oh. btw, you're now part of the "hook people up" club.
You have to tell ****** that Tiger likes him. =)
*leaves it to you* *runs away from Tiger*
Eeeeeek! :: freaks out :: Your door was open? Good god woman, I'd be so paranoid it wasn't even funny! :: dies :: Why would you just shrug it off like that? Ahhhh! :: would have called the cops and got the army to dig a moat around her house :: I can't belive you.... So what color are the braces going to be Little Miss Ryoko? :: like she had to ask when she already knows they'll probably be pink. ::