Brown eyed Mystique

Listening to: Battery
Feeling: odd
I may be going insane. Joe sent me a satantic duck. A satanic duck I tell you. Holy cheese bits. duck.jpg I think I am wait. I be gone. For I was so happy to see Lisa and Julian again, that in the middle of the night / morning I broke into hysterics. I get to go to K-days with them, it shall be so much fun! Mike is much fun. I am planning a surprise for him. i wonder if the mail-people like to work to my schedual. I am worried about my Mutti finding out my evil plans of dhoom. If she does I be very screwed, don't cha know. Mike does not like the Doors!! bwhaha! I shall have to bug him. And Bring him to K-days. Then I will be mean. I wonder how I could ever piss him off? He says I cannot, but I know that I may be able too. With my constant worries, and bouts of pessimism. I honeslty forget about the good things in life((especially grammar)) Sometimes I hear voices, like just now I thought I heard two women talking. But when I turned off the music, there was none. Is there something wrong!?!?!
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interesting, hearing voices? lol, hmm, don't know what to tell you about that. i'm glad you had a good time with your friends. nope, i do not know how to put pictures in an entry without it being the header, wish i did