Kyle's Call-Out

An open letter to the foreigners who constantly stand in groups and clog the hallways of my already crowded, tiny school hallways, speaking their foreign jibber-jabber that i don't understand and furthermore i don't even think they understand themselves, and only pretend so as to piss guys like myself off: Don't. Thank you for your time.
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From your diary name, I could have guessed that your name was Kyle, but you told me anyway, how nice. Sweeeet, you dug my comic. haha.

Foreigners crowding your school? I bet they are just as unhappy as you are to even be in school, let alone that particular one with tiny and now crowded hallways.

.peace to you

ps- I am cait, in case you didn't catch that ;-).
I am from god damned Indiana.

Annnd now I am going to bed. :)

i'm doin just peachy, and yourself?

ha ha yeah i feel like a dumb ass for spilling lubricant all over the floor.

Yes, highschool is a mindfuck. Very few enjoy attending.

Indiana blows, if you ever get the chance to not visit, I suggest you leap at that opportunity and don't punish yourself.

Then again, I grew up here, so it's not so bad.

It's my birthday on May 20. woo. And I heart collective soul. Woo.

that was fairy un-cool.