Kyle's Article From Inside Paris!

I think my friend might be gay. I'm not gonna say who, and I'm, you know, not too sure yet. But he likes it when I rub his testicles, so... So there's a new Survivor set to start this week, I don't know what it's called, or what number this is (Survivor 28 possibly?). But with that set to start again, and a new Simple Life starting a couple of weeks ago, I think i speak for all sane people when I say: Enough with all the reality T.V shows already. I'm not going to sit here and write about how Paris Hilton is an annoying slut who in no way should be on T.V or even famous for that matter, and how she is stupid and her dog sucks and did I mention she was a slut? But no, I'm not going to sit here and bash her and her shallow ways and how she spends money likes it's coming out of her ass. Speaking of her ass, does anyone else think she is so skinny that it's sickening? Girls out there, I am here to tell you that you don't have to be thin-as-a-post, at least for me anyways, unless you want me throwing up on you in disgust. But to get back to my point.. Paris Hilton is a joke. I think I speak for everyone when I say: she looks like a person with Down's Syndrome... Although maybe that's just me. She probably has the same mental capacity as one though. Anyways, what I'm really trying to say here is that reality T.V sucks. This saturday, The Comedy Network is debuting a show called Drawn Together. It's a reality-cartoon show about 8 crazy cartoon character rip-offs living in the same house and it looks hilarious. And I think I speak for everyone when I say: bring on more reality-cartoon shows! Love 'em.
Read 11 comments
hah. ok.

and she was really upset, she wasn't listening to her parents. so yeah.
hah. sok. :)

and i agree with you about paris. i don't like her either. :P
Hey there.. u commented on my site.. and I am new.. so what's up?
I'm sick of this reality tv as well. They need new entertainment. I mean, where did this all start anyways?? Survivor right? and they made other crappy ones like The bachelor and Big Brother, and MTV has that sorority one. It's so pointless. Every single show is the exact same. Someone pisses someone off and then one of them is leaving. Geez.
and yay! you like fat kids! hah. thats hot.
Fucking rights.
Its A Somethign Corporate song..duh
Dude...What's your problem. just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to trash it...Back off
Drawn Together flippin' rocks. It's hilarious and oh so wrong!
Do they call it the comedy network in North North Am? Cuz we say Comedy Central..thats gay..burn.
hey kyle...... el duche has spoken..... and he says that mike is the best and you are the worst muhahaha -x- my names french productions -x- 4 life!!!!