just forget the world

Listening to: chasing cars
Feeling: moodless
i think my knee might be getting alittle better...YAY...FINALLY!!!! First i must say that some people are driving me in sane, but i come to just ignore them and act like nothings wrong.... and yes kate its not you, but it is prolly who your thinking of.... Anyways... schools a pain, and its hard, and i'm hoping to pass everything for the report cards if not then i don't know what to do... i have to help my aunt tomorrow with the Daisys then come come and see if greys anantomy is a rerun,....guess what i'm bring to school 2morrow to start reading...thats right Everwood...WOOT!!! thanks to my katelynn YAY... ok so thats it with my boring and fullfilled life :/
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yess im pretty sure who it is :-P And I hope you have a wonderful time reading the books and seeing your aunt... i love you!