
Well apparently I'm sick. I'll get better..and if I don't then..well I'll get better. Today was a different kind of day. I was upset, scared, happy and numb all at the same time all day long. I went out for breakfest and then to two lights with Abe. Then we went out for lunch-we spend too much on food. Then the two of us hung out at my house just for an hour or so before he had to go to work. I gave Abe the hat I got him- I hope he liked it. It looked good on him. After Abe left for work my mom called me and wanted to to drive to my grandparents cause she saw some tornado warnings. I guess one went across the Sanford highway. A few candy land games down and the weather all better I drove back home. Now I sit here feeling sorry for myself and making myself sick with worry. I got a mole removed from my back a few days ago and the test came back positive. I have skin cancer and I have to go get tests and surgery done in a few days. Kinda freaked me out..not sure how to react or what to do. Makes me sad..so yeah..thats all I have to say about that. Goodnight
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That really sucks.
I hope you get bettter and all goes well.

Best of luck to you :)