
What's your: 1. Full name: Elizabeth Marie VanDerMeiren 2. Nicknames: Junior, Liz, Lizzy, lizabithy, Lizard, little kid, little pal, and Jun (and Duckie) 3. Number of siblings: None 4.Your age: 18 5. Birthday: Aug. 14 6. Favorite color: hmm Black, red, and navy blue 7. Favorite food: green grapes 8. Favorite brand: I like newbalence shoes a lot 9.Favorite flavor of ice cream: plain ol' vanilla 10. Your status ie single, crushin, dating? single 11. School year: First yeah in college 12. Favorite song: Love me when I'm gone by 3 doors down, everything by lifehouse and colorblind by counting crows. 13. Favorite drink: water 14. Favorite sport: to watch-tennis(a family thing), and to play- lacrosse and basketball is pretty fun even though I stink at it BIG TIME 15. What are your hobbies: to write poems, to read, to go to the gym, to play lacrosse, to work w/kids, to sing, spend time with close friends and hopefully to kayak in the future. 16. Favorite movie: well I am a big fan of The Rock, Erin Brokavich, Remember the Titans, Bad Boys, Irobot and A Walk to Remember BUT Twister might just take the cake to em all. 17. Favorite Bible Verse: Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you as long as I live. Psalm 63:3 18. Your pet peeves: Chewing w/your mouth open, and yawning w/your mouth open 19. Paper or plastic? well...plastic because I like trees for shade and paper means less trees. 20. Favorite place? In the world- China Lake. In my house- the bathroom. i love the small space, and its the only place thats quiet in my house. Well, I love my room too. 21. Favorite TV show: I don't watch too much TV but I LOVE trading spaces on TLC 22. Favorite music band: Counting crows 23. What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use: Shine Plus 24. Favorite subject to talk about: the future 25. What's you passion in life: I don't know..still trying to figure that out. 26. Favorite book: A House On Mango Street and A Town Like Alice 27. What are your fears: That I'll be a failure and that I'll never love anyone and nobody will ever love me.. thats what I'm most scared of 28. Favorite Disney movie: When I was a kid is was Lady and The Tramp now Pocahontas, I love the music 29. Favorite memory: Wow..At a camp on Friday night we always have this camp fire. One year we could talk to people if we had any burdens on our heart. I went forward and talked to someone and when I went back to sit down a friend of mine asked me to go with her to pray with her for her burden. And so I did. I've never really prayed with a friend before...and it felt nice. Now, not 100% because of that but now, we're great friends. Thats a great moment for me... it helped with me being ok with my dad finally 30. Veggies or fruit: both. I love my grapes but I love celery too 31. Favorite animal: cats and dog. Because for so many people there more than just pets 32. Favorite season: fall! Apple picking, the amazing colors the leaves turn BUT since I snowboard I’m bias towards having snow! 33. Favorite type of car: Well, I don't know much about cars to have a favorite one. I like my car and it's an infinity so I guess thats my kind. And I guess as long as it runs ok it's a good car. You don't need to buy a hummer. Future Plans. 34. Do you like kids: Yes I love them 35. Do you want kids: Yes I do 36. How many: I don't know. I always thought two or more. Never just one. Being an only child, I would never have just one if I was to have any. 37. Where do you want to live? Anywhere I would be happy 38. Do you think you've met "the one" yet: who knows, maybe 39. What's more important a family or your career: family 40. Are you shy or aggressive when it come to dating: depends on who I'm dating I guess . I’m willing to fight for someone I want- if anything love is the thing to be aggressive about. 41. Make the first more or sit tight and let them do the work: again it depends. I can be shy but I can always work for what I want. I don't have much guts so it takes a lot for me to put myself on the line. 42. Are marriage duties 50/50: No there 100% from both 43. Adoption or your own kids: Depends. I've thought of how wonderful having you own children would be and then I've thought of how wonderful to help unloved children would be. Haven't set anything in stone. Besides my kids will be really pale :-) 44. Is your family close: Um, used to closer when I was younger. Preferences 45. Hot or cold: cold. you can always add layers but you can only take of so many 46. Light or dark: Light. darkness can be sad. 47. Flannel or cotton sheets: cotton for the summer and flannel in the winter time 48. Big or small car: midsize 49. PBJ or PBF: PB and banana 50. loud or quiet: quiet. 51. beach or lake: I would used to say lake..but I actually am liking the beach more all the time now so beach Random 52. your most prized possession: Well photographs..If I haven't seen someone in a while at least I have a photograph of them. 53. Favorite family member: LOL I don't have one. But I do love my Uncle Bill very much. Something about him, he's always seemed so cool to me. When I was young I wanted to be just like him, he's a great person. 54. Greatest advice: Think before you act and honesty is the only way to go. Honesty may be hard but it's the only way to go. 55. Your flaws: haha..you probably want me to say none..well not the case. Well, I don't miss people very much( but I say I do), I don't know how to love someone, and well the rest you can find out by spending time with me. 56. Weird habits: Well, I don't think its weird but I like to order cheeseburgers without cheese (thats what I saw to order one), I organize my clothes my color and by winter summer and fall wear, i color organize my shoes lol these make me seem weird but I'm really not, I plan ahead for years but have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, and the last one I'll clue you in on is I have movies of the week where thats the only movie I 'll watch for the entire week. Twister is my favorite movie of the week. 57. What do your room walls look like: There a light purple with multi colored prints of my hand on it( I got bored on Friday night and decided to livin up my walls). I have a poster of POD and I have an amazing drawing of Martin Luther KingJr.,a huge fan of..beyond words), I have poems and quotes I wrote painted on the walls. Theres traditional world maps and then theres some collages I made of friends and family that I adore. 58. Would you ever get a tattoo: Yes I would. I'm actually designing my own right now. 59. Favorite restaurant: In Portland theres an amazing place called Flatbreads... thats a local favorite of mine. 60. Favorite Flower: Shoot, ok I know what it is but I don't at the same time. It's an extremely large daisy but there florescent colored..theres so beautiful. Gurber daisy I believe 61. Do you like to dance: very much so, hope I can find a guy who likes to dance. 62. Brush your teeth in or out of the shower: Out besides the rare 3 times a year I for some reason brush in the shower. 63. You talk w/your heart or mind: both. when I talk with my mind I lose love but I lose reason when I talk with my heart. I'm trying to find that inbetween. 64. Least favorite food: Well I don't like a lot of foods but I've never had them either. The food I have had and that I dislike the most is beans...just gross. 65. Do you like to shop: sometimes. I have to be in the mood 66. Do you believe in love at first sight: No, but I think you can be attracted and lust after someone by sight. Love comes with time..a lot of time. 67. Favorite quote: I dwell in possibility - Emily Dickinson 68. Have a crush: I don’t believe in crushes 69. Have you told them: not a chance 70. Do they like you back: doesn’t matter if they do or not
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Merry Christmas Liz!! I love you sweetheart! ~ Megan (camp megan)