
1:57 PM Mmmm...this weekend, so far has been wonderful. Yes...I am over-using that word today. Just hush. Yesterday I got and went to school, blah blah blah, learned about math things and spanish things, and practiced for State in band, and learned biology things(and took a test.) It was good-like. Katie drew pictures for me all over my arm during biology that said things like -rawr -Look at me...I'm beautiful -I heart Katie Grace -To Do 1. Love Katie 2. Stay in Ohio I love my Katie. She's awesome. After school I went home and did the normal stuff...attempted napping, watched tv, thought about doing some of my homework. *shrugs* Got online and Katie messaged me and asked if I wanted to go over then, rather than later, so I called my mom and all that jazz and her parents came and picked me up. Yay! Hung around Katie's for 45 minutes or so and then they took us to dinner! Rawr! Yay for chinese food. Yay moo shu(moo shoo? mu shoo?O_o) I adore Katie's family. They're so cool. After dinner, we went and picked up a friend of Kelsey's and then we went to TSA(?) Yay! SHOW!!! At first it was sort of like...whoa...too many people for Kat...*die* But then it was cool. A couple of good bands played. Yay for Brady's band playing ska. lessthanthree. Miss my brother like super crazy now. Oh well...it happens right? The last band was horrible. LKSAJLJADSLKJSDLJFK. You don't understand. I hate screamo so insanely much, and everyone was like hiding outside in the hallway, they were so bad. Katie's friends are all v. attractive...*innocent* Courtney gets points for thinking Nate is hott, because indeed, he is. The people were so insanely awesome, but it was really different from the shows in Logan, because the group of people was a lot smaller, and a lot less wild. I ate a piece of blue playdough! Yay...or...wait...NOT YAY! Or something...And hugged a random kid...and skanked for a bit, but Katie wouldn't skank and it made me sad. See...my face looked like this...----> = ( Went home and played DDR for a bit. Like 15 minutes tops. My hip started hurting again(the one I hurt falling down the stairs*cough*Katie*cough*) Then we wandered upstairs and had more of our interesting conversations. YAY for good conversation. I love that girl so much. so so so so so much. This morning we woke at 5, decided not to shower, slept till 5:25ish and then got ready. Went to school, etc. Band competition. We did pretty good I thought, especially in sight reading, but the judges were picky. We got a II...such is life. Still, a good experience and lots of laughing. w00t. I love my friends. Pete is off somewhere, I took a bunch of pictures with him today, and perhaps I will post them later because we're all so pretty. yay. yay. I vacuumed downstairs and cleaned off the computer desk. Must do more work soon. *sigh* Oh well...*dances* BLAH BLAH BLAH. Okay, I'm done.
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