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Hm...borrreeeed. There's really nothing to do here. Dad and Patty are picking up their dog from getting fixed. I'm suprised they left me and my brothers here. Patty used to be paranoid that we would trash the house and break everything. And people question why I don't like her. My dad and her have been fighting. A lot. Like a lot a lot. About us, and her yelling at us. Haha. My dad is actually standing up for us. Go him. He called her a nutcase. Why am I oh so cruel to that woman? I actually thought this trip would be different, that she would be nice. When we got her she was nice. I figured having a dog had made her mellower and that she was going to be good, stay out of our way, and let us do what we want. It still bothers me that she is there. Always watching us and what we're doing. When my dad lived in his apartment in Layton, we could eat whatever we wanted, go to sleep when we wanted, and spend as much time on the computer as we wanted. We also got spoiled and he would buy us stuff if we asked for it. Now, I can't even tell him I need pants without Patty freaking out. She hates my mom. I say eff her. My mom is awesome and most people love my mom. It's not like me and my brothers turned out to be horrible children or anything? Most people's parents like having us around because we're poliet, we help with dishes and whatever, and we thank them. Most of my friends like my mom because she doesn't pester about grades and chores. She lets me do things within reason. I love my mom. She's is awesome and stuff. Save me!!! I want to come home!!! NOW!!
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hey... i know it's been so long since i updated but guess what! chapter 9 is up (finally) hope u like it!