Survey Thing. Stolen from Laura. Ha.

Listening to: Green Day - Warning
Feeling: awake
Put an "x" if it applies to you. [x] I am a teenager. [ ] I have smoked/done drugs before. [x] I have a friend who smokes/does drugs. [ ] The last time I cried was while I was watching a movie. [x ] I cry often. [x] I love shoes! [x] Whenever I'm bored, I usually just listen to music. [x] I'm ALWAYS bored. [x] McDonald's is better than Burger King. [x] I prefer rock music over rap or R&B. [ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question is because I like all or most types of music. [x] I like to read. [ ] I have good grades and I'm still better than you! [ ] My CD collection is so big I took a whole day just to count them all. [x] It wouldn't take a whole day, but my CD collection is still big. [ ] Troy is one of my favorite movies. [x] I have at least 2 siblings. [ ] I love cheesecake! [x] I cuss too much, and I know it. [x] I have a friend that I look up to because (s)he is a great influence. [x] I am obsessed with a hot celebrity. [ x ] Ah h8 pPl DaT tYp3 lYk Di5. [ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question was because I COULDN'T READ IT! [x] I think homework on the weekends should be outlawed. [ ] I think homework period should be outlawed. [x] My favorite color is red. [ ] I love changing my layouts. [ ] I have taken a shower with more than 2 people of the same gender as me. With or without bathing suits. [] I am going to/planning on going to a concert in the next month. [x] I like cats better than dogs. [x] I can't wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to come out! [ ] I live in California. [ ] I want to live in California. [ ] I like football. [x ] I should be doing my homework now, but hey, I was bored, what can I say? [ ] I only put an "x" on the last one because even though I don't have homework to do, I should be doing it anyways since that's how I am. It was all out of guilt. [ ] I hate eggs. [x] SpongeBob is awesome! [x] Randomness makes me laugh. Really loud. [x] I'm thirsty. [x] I like DVD's. [x] I can't wait for Christmas. [ ] I have a certain name for idiots, and I claim it as my own!!!! [x] In the last 24 hours, I've talked to somebody on Instant Messanger. [ ] I am currently on a laptop. [ ] The laptop belongs to me. [x] I wish for a lot of things. [ ] My birthday is coming up sometime this month. **YOU** [1. Name/nickname] Jael/Elle [2. Birthday] April 14 [3. How old are you? Do you like your age?] 14 and I don't know. I can't wait till next year though. [4. Astrological sign?] Aries [5. Where were you born?] New York [6. How many siblings do you have? Do you get along with them?] Ha. Um. 6. Depends on what one. Mostly yes for my sisters and big brother and mostly no for my little brother. And my one sister died so... **SCHOOL/FRiENDS** [7. What school do you go to?] Elk Lake [8. What school are you going to after your finished with this one?] Some college. Probaly Mansfield. [9. Are some of your friends going to that school with you?] I hope so [10. Who is your best friend(s)?] I have like 7 best friends. We're this really tight group. [11. What are your school colors/mascot?] Green and White. And It's a Warrior. [12. Do you/your friends have school spirit?] Um. Kinda. We all show/don't show it in different ways. [13. Do you like your school?] Depending on the class and people. [14. Have you ever ditched class by yourself?] No [15. Have you ever ditched with your friend(s)?] No [16. Have you ever dropped a class?] Yes [17. Ever skipped a whole day of school?] Obviously [18. Ever gotten suspended?] No. I think my mom prides herself on the fact that the principal knows my name but I've never been in his office except to call my mom. But you know. If Elysia doesn't stop opening up her mouth she might have to get her ass kicked. Meaning suspension. It'd be worth it. **FAVORiTES** [19. Ice cream:] Chocolate and Vanilla Twist [20. Color:] White, Red, Hot Pink [21. Beverage:] Mountain Dew or Water [22. Number:] 13 [23. Famous person:] Rupert Grant. HAHA. [24. Website:] LJ or Sitdiary. I think more towards Sitdiary because people read my journal and friends add me and comment on my entries. *cough*megan*cough* [25. Football team:] Don't know. Don't give a shit. [26. Basketball team:] Don't know. Don't give a shit. [27. Baseball team:] Don't know. Don't give a shit. [28. Sport overall:] Soccer or Tennis. [29. Food:] Chicken! Fries! Carrots w/ Ranch Dressing! [30. State in the U.S.:] New York I guess. [31. Flower:] Wildflowers. [32. Subject in school:] Spanish! [33. Type of music to listen to:] Alternative, punk, rock, etc. [34. Music artist(s):] Way too many to list here. [35. Weather condition:] Summer weather: Hot, swimming pool worthy. **HAVE YOU EVER** [36. Gone fishing?] Yeah [37. Went camping/to camp?] Yeah [38. Been on a cruise?] Nope [39. Watched the movie "Titanic"?] Yeah. That was my favorite movie in like the third grade. [40. Went caroling at Christmas-time?] I wish [41. Snuck out of your house at night?] No. Unless you count the summer Megan came over and we were sneaking in and out of the house to hang out with Marcy and her friends. [42. Stolen your best friend's boy/girlfriend?] Nope [43. Stolen anything?] When I was like 5 [44. Went skydiving?] No... [45. Been to ground zero where 9/11 happened?] No... [46. Been to more than 5 states in the U.S.?] Yeap. [47. Voted in a presidential election?] Next Election! [48. Met a really really famous person (if so, who)?] No?... [49. Been rock-climbing?] No [50. Been to a professional sports event (i.e NFL game)?] I guess. I live with a sports freak. We've been to so many different sports and games I lost track. **DO YOU... (random)** [51. Own a LIVESTRONG bracelet?] No. [52. Know someone personally/related to someone who is famous?] No. [53. Know the Muffin Man?] Everyone knows the muffin man [54. Like strawberry-kiwi flavored things?] Sure [55. Like sarcasm?] I love it [56. Pre-judge people?] No comment. [57. Have a short-attention-span or sometimes think you do?] Obviously [58. Think you were blonde in your past life or blonde now?] Hahaha hell yeah. [59. Get bored easily?] Hell yeah [60. Like surveys?] They’re kinda addictive [61. Hate when surveys are over?] Not really. Normally I can't wait until they're over. Bold the things you often say: dude whats cracka lackin im feelin you lets get down you so sexy like totally like oh my gosh, no way that is so totally rad you bitch ass mother fucker you're so fucking cool im obsessed over the guy i like im so fucking cool lets party! i hate you That took awhile. But it was fun. I learned Laura and I have even more in common. Weird.
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