Yesterday. and Today.

Feeling: excited
Yesterday we went to the sale. And I had a headache. So they couldn't believe I was going. My dad said in the car "She's probaly just going so I can't say I offered to spend time with her and she refused." And I was laying down in the backseat. And I nodded and said "Uh huh." The whole ride pretty much consisted of "Uh huhs." "Nuh huhs." and "Mmphhmm." Yes, No, I don't know. And they couldn't understand me. Then when we got there we went in and I picked out this ADORABLE calf I wanted. Then I walked down the stairs to the lower level and threw up. Then Diane took me out to the car and my dad said "It's too hot here for you." So I sat in the airconditioned car. Listening to the radio, and playing Tetris. Cause we know I'm addicted. And I felt better. But I wasn't go in there without a guard. There were some pretty scary people there. Then they came out and we went to Wendy's. Then bought my dad his rum. Then I talked him into going back to the sale. I broke out the puppydog look so we could go back. I told him "I understand if you say no to a pony. But I'm asking for a calf." And as soon as we got in there. My calf was being sold. I was very sad. But it's okay. Cause my dad spent time with me. So on the ride home I told him I'd rather have a pretty baby heifer since I could't eat anything I wanted as a pet. And Today we're going to the Troy Fair. We're going to hang out there for a couple of hours. Then Diane and Dad are leaving. And me and Marcy are going to the concert. Bowling For Soup. I can't wait. Only problem is my dad is never going to 'approve' anything I want to wear because he's weird like that. So I can't wait.
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Jael! OMG!!! That little "birthday prize" on your live journal is so freakin funny. I swear to god I almost peed my pants. What a beautiful collection you've gotten within the past 2 years. I love you and thank you for that laugh, my little Princess Lopst :) muahhhh

-the Queen

(and you should have stolen me the lobster, maybe i'll go steal one myself, :0