
Listening to: unfortunately none
Feeling: happy
There is nothing like sitting and drinking coffee on a Saturday morning. Plus, I am typing on a new keyboard because Heather dumped coffee on the last one. I have half an hour left before I have to start getting ready to go see Blast. I can't wait. It will be so awesome. (Em, I would bring a tape recorder but I just remembered that they check your purses at things like this. I would get caught and charged with preemptive pirating. Sorry!) Anyway, I can't wait. My only problem is that I don't know where I have to go to meet up with everyone else. I should be able to see the bus. Hopefully. We should be getting the Christmas Package from Procter and Gamble any day now. They always send them out early. I love getting them. It makes me feel special, plus they always have chocolate in them, which is awesome. I love free chocolate. Who am I kidding? I love any kind of chocolate. My email address is pnutbttercup For those who know me, you know it is spelled differently than that. However, I don't want spam emails. Well I have to go. I am going to check my emails before I leave for the school. Hugs and Kisses. I love you. Tchao, Gillian
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