
Listening to: Eminem - Biterphobia
Feeling: dazed
A father and son in Rome, Italy, thought they had plotted the perfect crime in 1996. The father worked as a teller at a bank. The son would enter the bank, go to the father's window, and demand money. His father would quickly turn over the cash, the son would flee, and later the two would split the loot. Best of all, no one would get hurt because no weapons would be used. On the day of the robbery attempt, the young man walked into the bankd and went to his father's window. He got the money and ran out of the bank--But he and his father were caught anyway. It seems there an unfortunatne slip of the tongue by the robber. When he was at the teller's window, the crook shouted, "This is a holdup. Hand over the money, Dad."
Know what would totaly pwn? "numbing needle tag" You know those needles the doctor or dentist give you...Just before they yank a tooth, or break your ribs for open heart surgery, because they're too cheap for sleeping gas or morphine? Well, imagine getting like a thousand of those, and like, 30 people together, put them into like, a banquet hall or something. Just put up like walls and stuff, for people to run around, and take cover behind and stuff. Then, you give them each 1000/3 needles (That's like 333.3333 needles each. Don't ask how exactly we'll get .333 needles. It's just one of those things that tend to work itself out. *nods head*) Now, here's the fun part. You have to stab people with your needles, and the last one who can still stand/grab something to support their weight, wins. However, to lessen the chance of injuries/transmiting diseases (as Kay pointed out), you must leave the needle in the person. (If you think about it, that'll actualy put more of the numbing stuff into them, and, yeah.) That way, no one will be like, stabing the needle into your back on an angle, then ripping it out, shreding your back in the process. It is the stabee's responsiblity to remove the needle from their own body, before they colapse on the ground, and land on the needle, and end up hurting themselves. Also, no stabing someone above the chest (neck, face, etc), or in the groin. (The butt is fine. It's always funny to see someone running around with a needle in their butt) Also, you may not throw the needle like a dart, unless given permision by the referee before hand. You will only be given permision if you have proven that you can throw properly, in pre-game tests. You must also be able to say yes to several numbers, such as "Do you hold resentment towards any player(s)", or "Do you find it funny to see needles stuck in people's eyes move when they eyeball moves to look at something". You know, just typical stuff to prevent things like "Oh, sorry, I really suck at aiming *giggle*, I didn't mean to get it directly in the eye *snicker* But you gotta admit, it is pretty funny." or "Yeah fucktard! Not so hot when you can't feel your little man now are ya?!" "Who're you screaming at?" "My ex boyfriend. Man I love this game!" Man, just imagine, seeing thirty people running around with needles, stabing other people. And people trying to walk around without the ability to feel their leg. Or, or...Yeah. Pffft, like you have any better way to spend a 2.4 million bucks. Yes, 2.4 million bucks people. My family won the fucking lottery! And my dad gave me $50,000 of it! I'm gonna buy so many needles, and hire like 29 hobos to come play numbing needle tag with me! Actualy, no, my family didn't win the lottery. And I would never use hobos like that. That's so mean. I hate it when people do that. Fucking "bum wars". Only funny part was when the guy was imitating the Crocodile Hunter. But I was still disgusted with the guy. I don't know why people would find that stuff funny. I mean, sure there was some funny stuff in there, but yeah, just...Fucktards. ANYWAY. let's get this started, 'cause I have to wake up in 5 hours. I woke up this morning, and there was drops of blood all over! I was like "Woah, awesome!" (I love my blood if you havn't noticed) Then I'm like "Wait, wtf, I didn't do this". There was drops of blood everywhere. On my keyboard, on the cover of my calculator (Thank goodness I had the cover on it), on my math text book (There's like, big red circles on some pages of my text book now) on my waterbottle, on my desk, on my floor, on my "typing gloves", on my school papers, on my knife... Wait. Why is there blood on my knife? As I'm reaching over to get a klenix, and my water bottle, to start cleaning up the mess before my parents see it, my shoulder brushes against something at my lip. "Holy crap I need to shave. --Wait a sec." *sweat drop* I sudenly remembered that last night I had a bloody nose at like 6 in the morning. Don't ya' just hate it when that happens? You just wake up for no aparent reason, then all of the sudden you feel something trickeling from your nose, and you're like "aw fuck!" and you jump out of bed and get a klenix or something to stuff into your nose to stop the bleeding? Anyway, I did that. I got up in the pitch black darkness, and I was like, looking franticaly for the klenix box, (I don't know if it's klenix, or klenex. Whatever, you know what i mean. "tissue". Whatever.) and I couldnt' find it. I like, stubbed my toe, and cracked on toenail (I noticed my toe had dried blood on it too this morning, from the nail getting ripped off too low) So while I'm stumbling around in the darkness, swearing my head off, with my hand under my nose, the blood is dripping off my hand, onto everything. (It randomly got on my knife, I didn't have a little blood fest last night or anything XD) I eventualy found the klenix, twisted it up, jammed it in my nose, and went back to sleep with it still in my nose. (I do that a lot...Once I turned over, and it got ripped out, and I woke up, and my face was like, stuck to my pillow in blood. XD) So that was my morning. (I woke up at like 11:59, so the morning was only long enough for me to remember stuff) Man, two years ago, I was REALLY behind in my sleep once (That's what the doctor blames anyway) and one night, my nose just started gushing. Like, not the typical "Drip. Drip. Drip", but I mean like a constant flow. You're bent over the toilet, and you can hear "psssshhhh" like running water. You try to stuff some toilet paper in there, and your hand is like, instantly covered in blood, and the toilet paper only lasts like a minute before it's dripping blood too. It was fucking awesome. But fucking anoying. It would happen like twice a day, for a month. (That's when I went to the doctor) And I couldn't do anything for like 20 minutes while my nose bled. 'cause it would take forever to heal, and like I said, I would have sit over the sink or something since the toilet paper/klenix would be dripping. So anyway, after a month, I was getting really fucking anoyed with this (it would happen in the middle of the night, not just in the day) and my mom was getting sick of changing my pillow covers, so my dad took me to see a doctor. Turns out there's a damn artery in your nose. And there was a cut on that artery or something (That would explain the constant gushing of blood, etc). So he ended up cautorizing it, or however you spell that thing where you burn the cut shut, and let the scar tissue develop to make it tough or something. (It was all with chemicals and stuff, so he didn't like, whip out a blow torch or anything). The doctor said I should get more sleep. I didn't listen to him. So I get nose bleeds every so often. Anyway, that's the story of the summer that I got 30 liters of blood lighter.
Tuesday edit: Holy frig, it bled again last night, and again this morning when I woke up.
Oh! Speaking of doctors. On monday, there was a fire at the hospital that my uncle, and "employer" were both staying. My uncle had like, his 3rd stroke (He's had like two heart attacks, three strokes, diabettes, and lots of other fucked up stuff) so he was in the hospital on the 5th floor for that, and Jean Guy (pronounced "john gee". That's his first name.) some guy that's paying me and Matt to make a database in php for him, was in the hospital for emergency open heart surgery. They broke three of his ribs, and took some big viens, or arteries or something from his arm/wrist, and stuck it in his heart. Or, places around his heart, or something. I don't know, anyway, the point is, that there was a fire at that hospital on the first floor. Aparently, the fire wasn't too bad, but the smoke was uber-bad. (I havn't heard anything new since last night when the fire was still...on fire, so I don't know if it got really bad or not. But I havn't been invited to a funeral or anything yet. Not that I would ever be invited to a funeral or anything, but yeah) They had Jean Guy hooked up with air masks, and they sealed off the bottom of the doors with towels and stuff. And my uncle just has towels under his door. That'd be pretty scary though eh. You've got three broken ribs (Bruised ribs hurt like fuck. Like, you can't even move it hurts. Broken ribs are like...Fuck...) and there's a fire going on right below you. You're seriously dreading having to be moved if the fire gets too big. They're wheeling you out, you hit a little bump "Holy fuck that hurt!" It sucks if you've had a stroke too. 'cause you can't talk. Kind of like me. You can think, and understand everything coherently, but it's uber-hard to talk. You're thinking "YOU FUCKTARD! THERE'S STILL A TUBE ATTACHED TO ME! DON'T START WHEELING ME OUT! WAIT! WAI---OW, FUCK. *needles attatched to tube gets ripped out* "thanks a lot fucktards -_-" Oh, speaking of yelling, and pain and stuff. Jean Guy's wife was visiting him, and, when you have broken ribs, it hurts to breathe, plus, the surgery didn't fix everything, so he's like, dieing and stuff, and can't really talk. Anyway, his wife sits down, and Jean Guy's face twists in pain, and he's like mouthing words, so his wife leans in closer to hear, and finally Jean Guy is abe to force the words out. "YOU HURT MY PEEPEE!" And you could hear it all down the halls and stuff. omg, it was so funny. Anyway, on monday, I went to gym day. (if you read my "points of the year" entry, then you should know what gym day is. If not, I'll explain if you ask =P) k, I'm not sure how the whole, "blood circulation system" works, or how a blood vein is constructed or anything, but I was thinking... When you play volleyball (The sport we played that day) and you smack the ball, your hand turns red right? "No. You're hitting the ball wrong" Why does it turn red? Whatever you've been told, it's wrong. It's because the ball has crushed the veins in your hands/wrists/whatever you hit the ball with. And, just like a water balloon, when they get crushed, the pop, and the blood goes spewing out everywhere. "So why don't I have severe internal bleeding yet? I smack lots of things and my hand turns red." Simple. Just like a normal cut, the veins heal. "But where does the blood go?" Well, you've been told that snot is made to protect from germs right? Well, that's partialy true. However, part of what makes it so useful is the white blood cells that are escaping your body. That's right. When blood escapes your veins, it comes out your nose. Think about it. Blood is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard. Snot is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard. And bloody noses. They're not actualy from cuts in your nose. They're from cuts in your veins elsewhere. "Why isn't it red like when it's coming out of my skin?" Well, like I said, bloody noses are actualy just blood that hasn't changed colour. The reason your blood becomes like...Whatever colour snot is when it comes out, is because like I said, snot is real. It does help protect you from germs. It just mixs in with your blood, and changes it. Now here's the point of the whole explanation. You sometimes hit the ball with your wrist right? What happens when you slit your wrist? You cut the artery, and you lose blood fast, and die. What happens when you bump a ball that's moving with a downwards velocity of 50m/s, while your arms are moving up at a velocity of another 75m/s? Well, your arteries are probably going to explode if you keep that up. They'll give you 30-50 years in prison if you try to commit suicide (You get the death penalty if you use an illigaly possed weapon, or if you jump off a high point, into a crowded area below) but they let volley ball players go and play their sport, and even give them goverment funding sometimes. Then there's the volleyball coaches. Teaching their...Uhh...coachees? to go and blow their arteries open. Most volleyball players know this too. That's why they have volleyball games out in secluded areas, like some beach off on some tropical island or something. Mass suicide rituals, and no one will know about it. Just so you know, I thought all that stuff about volleyball, internal bleeding, and stuff up while I was laying in bed, losing immense amounts of blood from my nose. I don't believe a single word of it. Well, yeah, there are words in there I believe and stuff, but yeah...You know what I mean. Anyway, the whole reason I brought up the gym day thing, was because on the way there (a 10-15 minute drive) I saw TWO [minor] accidents. (There were no emergency response vehicles at the scene yet. The second one was right in front of the hospital too XD) The first one was some guy ran into the back of some girl's car. The guy's front end was all crumpled up. The second one made me laugh so hard (I'm not mean, just so you know. The driver was out of her car. Standing, and talking just fine, and stuff) k, we stopped at a stop light. And there's a car, and it's front end is crumpled, and up against a light pole. It looks like it was trying to do a U-turn. Then, there's a car behind it, who's front is dented. Here, let me illistrate: Image. (Click to open in new window) It says "hospital", "stoplight", "me giggling" btw. Okay, so I'm thinking what happened here was the green car ran into the red car, 'causeing it to spint around too fast while it was turning, and hit the stop light. Why did the green car do this to the red car? Well honney, it's just one of those things bad people do, because they don't like the colour of the other person..'s car. k, anyway. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. I dunno why. Just one of those things. Like this: *cringes* Poor little idiot. Anyways, you may notice in my little picture thing at the top of my diary, the thing that tells what time it is, what i'm listening to, and a random quote, that I listen to a lot of rap, metal, and emo/punk. But no electronica. Except for like, three Ayumi Hamasaki remixs, a few Ferry Corsten songs, and a few Warp Brothers songs. Well, steriotypicaly, I should be listening to a lot of electronica. Instead I'm off listening to Metal (I find the steriotypical metalhead anoyingly violent. Especialy Death Metal =P) Emo (Meh, steriotypical Emo kids are interesting to listen to) and Rap. I'm really picky with the stuff I listen to. For metal, I don't listen to stuff like, death metal for two reasons. 1) They seem to be obsesed with the devil and killing god, etc. 2) I can't stand the fucking Chaos. The lyrics are the most important part of the song. Thus, I like rap. However, I'm uber-picky with my rap. I don't like rap that's all like "Yeah, I'm a pimp bitch. Take off your clothes" and stuff, like Snoop Dogg. I also hate "mainsteream" rap, that's like "Yeah, shake that ass" and stuff. You know, like Lil Jon, Nelly, etc. I like stuff that's like, just "I'm going to kill you. Blah blah blah." Like some DMX songs, Eminem, etc. Although Eminem is more than just the murdering and stuff. Most of his songs are like...Messed. But the parts that arn't all angryness, are generaly funny. So yay Eminem. I just had the sudeen urge to listen to Biterphobia! You want an awesome song by Eminem, go listen to Biterphobia. It's back on his first album though, so it may be hard to find. k, anyways, yeah, I also like rap that has a good message behind it, but can still sound cool. Like KJ-52, or Manafest. And, if you can get something inbetween the two types, like Tupac, then you're set ^_^ I also like rappers that do non-mainstream (By mainstream, I mean totaly sex orriented) type rap, to stuff other than beats. Like Linkin Park, or Chronic Future. Anyway, why do I listen to Metal and Emo/Punk? FOR THE SCREAMING! I love screaming music. Like static-x. Fucking awesome screaming. Or The Used. Again, awesome screaming. Although, emo doesn't have much screaming. But it's got cool lyrical content. Well, not really, a lot of it is really repetitive and stuff, but as long as I don't expose myself to a lot of it, it seems cool XD Wow, that was an utterly useless and short explanation of why I listen to the music I do. Anyway, the point is, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a steriotype of the kind of music I listen to. I'm the steriotype of the music I hate, because most sub-genres don't have "lyrics". (I'm talking about electronica) By "lyics" i don't mean like "stop to my beat" a milllion types over. I mean something like, a verse, a chorus, another verse, chorus again, verse again. Argh, k, I'm making up random subjects so I can stay awake. If I'm going to wake up in a few hours, and feel tired, why waste my time sleeping, only to wake up a feel tired, when I can stay up, get work done, and feel tired? Plus if I go to bed now, I won't be able to wake up tomorow anyway. Blah, whatever. I'm sure you don't want to know why I read the types of books I do, so I'm going to go and do my math. ARGH, FUCKING MATH TEST OPENING RIGHT AWAY. Edit-----------------------------
I am attaching the first test covering Modules 1 to 6 inclusive. You will have 2 hours to download, write and return the test via fax. This time will have a 15 minute give or take grace period for possible transmission time lags.
omfg, I was talking to my teacher about the exam. "You have two hours after you open attachment to complete it. Be sure to read the instructions carefuly." Here's the instructions:
I am attaching the first test covering Modules 1 to 6 inclusive. You will have 2 hours to download, write and return the test via fax. This time will have a 15 minute give or take grace period for possible transmission time lags.
Does that sound like you can start whenever you download the test? Well, now that you're in the state of mind that that's what you're supposed to do, it probably does seem like it, but before, when you first read the instructions, did you think that? Grrr.
Read 5 comments
yea, frozen hair REALLY sux, if i wasnt wearing a hat, i might have died, lmao, not really but at ma house it was like 10 below zero!!!
FUNN!! Numb Needle wars! Sign me up! :)

Love you like little kids love pools,

GOD! Thats freakin hilarious!!! I sware I'm going to crack up laughing in one of my classes tommorow. I'll just be like, "...Hm..well mining on page 94..YOU HURT MY PEEPEE AHAHAHA!"

Lol. I love your entries. Deanna should be proud.

Oh. That kid. Thats so horrible! :( Its hilarious though! -Snickers-

=O You little bastard. Rap sucks. How could you?

Well. Tata my darling.

<3 Alanna
Lol! And about that winning the lottery. I was scrolling down..just reading..and I believed you! -Gasp- >.<

You make my day.
Hurray! Someone understands me... lol.