"Yah that's me, Harry Potter's stupid friend"

Alright after a week from hell I FINALLY got to reward myself with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I really enjoyed it. It was a pity I was feeling like shit the whole time which made me an unpleasent person to see it with. Sorry about that again guys. Still I LOVED this movie. That says a lot from a hardcore fan...espically one who dresses up and goes on midnight on Thurseday. Hehehe. It was a good time dispite not feeling well and the pandamonium that was going on before hand. The Symphony Ball also went well. I dispise that Sr. Alphinsa though. She arg. I can't even go into it. She needs to back the hell off though. W/E. It went well. I didn't like my hair and I thought I looked fat but I always hate how I look so w/e. It was fun though. I love dancing. I really do. I wish I could have taken lessions when I was younger but oh well. Thats over and once you've lost the time it's lost. I felt kinda loney toward the end though. I dunno...whispering...it always kills me. I always feel like it's about me. Too paraniod still. I probibly will be forever. Whatever. I was fine till the last hour though. I was also getting tired then. Then I went to bed around 4 am again (2nd day in a row) and got to sleep till 2. It was nice to sleep that long. The weekend was easy. Working on things at an easy pace. Sometimes I get really jelious of my friends becuase they all seem to be so much smarter, prettier, or more talented then I am. Some have all the above. lol. I know I have some talent or something but it's hard to see. I feel like a side-kick most of the time. It's no one's fault becuase no one does it on purpose. It's just how I feel. I'm glad to hear about my friends acomplishments, I really do but sometimes I just feel like a failure. Thats been more and more comon lately. I just feel like I'm ether terrible or just mediocor at everything. *shrugs* Maybe I'll figure it out later. Right now it makes me feel down though. Nothing comes easy. It's all always hard. I always want to be better at something that I really like but never am. I love to sing but I don't get the mecanics and don't have the time to really try devolping it, besides I would hate to take a practice room away from someone who is a music major with real talent. I always have great ideas for pictures but no real direction and I don't have time for an art class or to just sit and practice. I feel kinda lost. Like I'm just going through things till I figure it out...like I'm walking through a fog. I know what I used to do...what I used to love. I loved writing but I wouldn't do anything with writing becuase my parents and I were afread. Now I don't really have time. I mean hell I'm putting off doing important things right now to write this. I don't have time to even update fanfiction anymore let anone a real story. Not like I could ever finish one anyway. I don't know. Everything seems so different. I seem to be the one who gone on the path thats the farest from the others. I dunno if it's wrong or right. I dunno if I'll ever find my great talent. I don't know if I'll find my nitche. I guess thats what collage is all about.
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