ooooh im bored

Listening to: john mayer
Grunge! You're all about the music and would even turn your back on fame just to stay true to your roots... You reached your high in the early '90s, but you're still making some good stuff! Keep rocking! Paste this code into your web page to show off your result to others: Nirvana
Grunge! You're all about the music and would even
turn your back on fame just to stay true to
your roots... You reached your high in the
early '90s, but you're still making some good
stuff! Keep rocking!

What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla "What instrument would you play in a rock band?" - Results: Lead guitar Paste this code into your web page to show off your result to others: Lead guitar
Lead guitar

What instrument would you play in a rock band?
brought to you by Quizilla
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