Apparently I'm a selfish bitch

Listening to: His words...
Feeling: abused
Well last night Michael came home and demanded that I give him $200 (while he was high) and I told him that I did not have that amount of money to give him. Well, the argument escalated and he felt it necessary to hit me. A neighbor heard me screaming so she came over and I made it to the door and she asked if i was ok and i said no and to call the cops. Michael told her we were fine and I said no we are not (she could see him grabbing me, preventing me from leaving the house). When she started going back to her house to call the cops he pushed me out the door. I went to her place and by the time the officers arrived he had already left, so there should be a warrant out for his arrest for assault. As of 630 tomorrow morning, he will be awol, so he'll be getting in trouble for that as well. Well, he felt it would be a good idea to take my phone since its in his name since the phones i had in my name had to be disconnected because of the $1000 phone bill he ran up (i'm not lying, the phone bill was 90 pages long). So today he's calling my friend asking where I am because he needs to talk to me, so I finally talk to him and he starts asking for $20 so he can get gas so he'll be able to go to work...and he basically is being is dilluted, drug-addicted self and says that I'm trying to keep him from living with money that he earns and all of this other bullshit. Then he tells me that if I give him the $20 that he will give me my phone back and i told him he can keep the damn phone because i already have another one and he proceeds to call me (exact quote): "A fucking dirty bitch and a cock-sucking whore" So I tell him, you know what? the words Fuck You! come to mind and hang up on him. Well he calls back and he's telling me how I need to give him that money and I told him I wasnt giving him shit because I was willing to give him some money last night before he went ballistic, but then he did what he did, so now he's not getting a damned thing from me. He then proceeds to say that he didnt touch me last night, that he only grabbed my wrist once to prevent me from hitting him because I tried to hit him numerous times. He then tells me that he hopes that I enjoy being lonely and abused my whole life because that's all I'm ever going to be because I'm a stupid bitch and that no one is ever going to want to be with me because of love because I am too much of a stupid controlling manipulative bitch and that guys are only going to use me for sex and then break it off when they get tired of that's the gist of it i guess, which basically translates into him trying to put all of the blame on me so he doesnt have to accept responsibility of his actions, oh yeah, he also said that he started popping again because I was too much of a bitch for him to deal with. When he came home last night, there was a small mark on his neck that looked like a hickey and he said today that it was a spider bite and then he also said that even if it was a hickey it doesnt matter and I said oh yes it does because we're still married and that's called adultery and you can go to jail for that because you are in the military. It wouldnt suprise me if he is fuckin someone else...actually it would because he tends to have problems in that area, but we wont go there with it. I did something that I'm kinda ashamed of though. A few months after we got together he got me this stuffed cow and theres a whole cutsie story behind it, but it was very special to me. Well, i got a knife last night and cut it from throat to belly and pulled all of the stuffing out of the shell and put it on his keyboard. I know its childish and i probably shouldnt have done it, but I was very angry. You know whats funny though? Whenever he comes off of this shit and he's spazzing out, hes gonna be asking for me and I'm not going to be there, no one will be there because his "friends" sure as hell don't give a rat's ass about him...and I don't anymore either. Thats not true, a part of me still loves him...but who he was. But the part that scares me is I don't think I ever really knew him. When we first got together I had a very hard time trusting him, just something my gut wouldnt let go of and I did. Always trust your instinct.
Read 5 comments
Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear all this. You're such a strong woman, you know you need to walk away and are going to stick with it. Love ya sweetie, you're in my prayers.
Oh my goodness sweetie! i really, really hope that everything turns out ok. You're not a selfish bitch, he just needs help, serious help.

Well hopefully he'll stay out of your life now.
No one deserves that kind of treatment.
aww :-(

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I love stewie!!! His my fav!