Where's my bunnie?

Feeling: antsy
So okay, I'm doing this cause "All the cool kids are doing it" Actually I've been reading Aaron's and I started one...we'll see how I often I do it...well today was a pretty normal day...I woke up...went to work...I should be at the gym...but I just can't get the motivation to get off of my butt...it's amazing the power a computer has over you when all you have to do is turn it off...just one little button, yet we sit in front of the little box for so long...wasting hours and hours...and sure those of us that are in college can say that we are doing "work" but if we were actually only doing work...we wouldn't spend nearly as much time in front of these things as we do...reminds me of a debate topic: does technology hinder our growth as humans? just some food for thought.
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depends how you define growth as humans i guess. but the simple answer is yes. it does.