Yea for Cleaning!

Feeling: eh
So's been almost a month since I've written on this thing. I'm actually kinda considering not writing anymore because the last time I did write I wrote, I was depressed and now a month later the only person who has commented on it is a girl I have no idea who she is, not one of my friends has. Which means 1 of 2 things: No one has looked at my diary in almost a month or they looked and didn't know what to say. In case of the latter I completely understand, but still, a simple, "Hope you feel better!" would have been better than nothing...and then of course there is the possibility that no one has even bothered to look at my sitdiary, which makes me feel no better....ah, whatever. So in the past month, not a lot has happened...well maybe it has. My appt with the gyno was "rescheduled" (translation: TriCare scheduling center told me the wrong time of the appt and I couldn't wait for it cause I had to get to work). So when I finally went, I found out that I don't have an ulcer, I was just throwing up blood because of my sinuses. I was supposed to go get blood work done but I didn't...If anything was wrong that I need to be concerned with, they should be able to tell from the other tests. And I was by myself, so of course as I'm laying there on that stupid table, I start freaking out and know as someone who has been raped you begin to wonder when does the "rape victim" fall away so you are a "rape survivor"? I'm waiting. Ok, let's see what else has happened...oh yeah, one of my best friends from Edna finally stopped being a bitch and called me and apologized after 4 months, so we're talking now. She was due on Thursday and I haven't heard from her this hopefully everything went well. And more good news! My best friend from East Bernard got stationed up here and she is in the same unit as Michael. Unfortunately, whenever Michael is overseas, Sylvia will be as well. Oh well, I'm just glad she's up here. Sacha threw a party for her husband and daughter's birthdays. That was a lot of fun! I went over there early in the day to help set up and get the girls ready (she has two daughters). The party went very smoothly...only two people who weren't invited showed up. One of which was a bitch, but she stayed in the corner which was a good place for her. The other was an alcoholic from next door (who by the way hit Sacha and Phil's car one night when he was drunk, actually saying "hit" doesn't describe what he did: he ran over their fence, tore down the mailbox and then hit the back of their Sportage and pushed it all the way up the driveway into their garage door and for some reason he thought he was invited to the party). He didn't pose as too big of a problem though, he was just someone you had to deal with when you went outside to smoke a cigarette. Well Michael had been up since 5:30 that morning and drank a whole needless to say, we had to leave his car there and go back the next day to get it because he was was bad, but I'm proud of him cause he didn't throw up and he normally does whenever he drinks at a party...I think the ARMY is strengthening his stomach...that's about it, other than Michael and I scrubbing house yesterday and today...which we have to finish so I'm gonna go for now...hopefully someone will actually read this one!
Read 2 comments
You've been a busy girl! I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, I'm glad to know it's just sinuses though. That's great about your friend moving up there. I'm sorry about no comment last time, I didn't know what to say, and "I hope you feel better" didn't seem like enough. It won't happen again though! Love ya, hope you had a happy Easter!
Hey hope you feel better. I havn't done any thing on this in like a month been a little busy to stop and write anything. Have a great day.