kyle's littl e thingie! and not that one ;)

A - AGE: 16 B - BAND LISTENING TO MOST RECENTLY: the killers C - CRUSH: ben and justin D - DAD'S NAME: Rodney E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: my mom, sarah and sometimes car F - FAVORITE BAND: the killers G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: both! H - HOMETOWN: Roscommon I - INSTRUMENT: none J - JUICE: Apple juice K - KIDS: i want some some day L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: roscommon to new york city M - MOM'S NAME: Erine N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 O - ONE WISH: i want a blt pizza P - PHOBIAS?: hieghts, people, pretty much anything but animals! Q - QUOTE: "roses are red, pickles are green, i love your legs and what's between!" R - REASON TO SMILE: me...or ben...or sex! ;) S - SOMETHING YOU REGRET: nothing T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: 5 U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: i am secretly really sexy, i just hide it from the world so i wouldn't have to deal with the curse of beauty. V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: um bacon? W - WORST HABIT: ben...jk lol! X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 1 Y - YUMMY FOOD: food? Z - ZODIAC SIGN: virgo
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