Feeling: euphoric
OH MY GOSH THE GREENDAY CONCERT RULEEEDDD!!! MCR opened and they kind of sucked, but I'm Not Okay was good. then GREENDAY CAME ONNNNNN!!!! and the played American Idiot and it was sooooo coooool then they did Jesus of Suburbia and it was hot and they did a few others and then I went upstairs to buy a teeshirt but the line was too long so i went and watched in the wings for a little while. then sexy Billie Joe sexy sex started touching himself and having an orgasm on purpose hahahaahaha it was so funnyyy. then he screams "I NEED TO GET FUCKED!!!!" at the top of his lungs!! hahahah it was sooo funny. then we hung out in my dad's friend's box for a few minutes then headed back downstairs. and we made our way onto the floor and into a couple mosh pits till we were so close we could feel the heat from the pyro. it was sooo hot up there. they were throwing people over our heads and moshing it was crazyyyyyy!!!!!! haha some people fell, that was hysterical. then billie sexy joe sexy sex called out for a drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist from the audience. so we surfed a couple up there of course. and then this kid gets on stage and goes over and plays Tre Cool's drums (tre cool rulessssss) and then the bassist came up and grabbed the bass and then a guitarist (15 year old from troy) comes up and starts playing sexy billie sexy sex's guitarr!! and they all jammed out to a song while sexy sex was singing and it was soooo hot. and then sex sexy sexy wexy (being the charitable little hot man he is) GAVE THE KID HIS GUITARRRR!!! HIS OWN GUITAR! HOLY CRAP IT WAS SOOOO COOOOOOL! and he screamed "You BETTER PRACTICE! BECAUSE YOU SUUUCKKKKK!!!!!" hahahah then tre threw his sticks into the crowd and my dad almost caught one (that's how close we were) but he dropped it and everyone fought over it for like 15 minutes. then we worked our way through the mosh pits and pot smokers (there were lots and lots of them) up to like 3 rows away from the stage!! which equivalents to about 8 feet from bille sexy sexy sex sex sexxxxxx. it was the coooooolest everrrrrrrrrrrr. i wish i had a camera. his little body is so hot hahahahaha. the music was sooooo good and the lights were crazy and when slow songs came on, everyone whipped out cell phones and lighters and waved them! it was sooo hot. and i almost got killed a million times by hot sweaty sexy boys. there were a lot of sexy skaterish boys there. it was soooooo coooooool!!!!!!!!!!
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yeah it doesn't matter if you got long as they were hot.
I love the background and everything you have on here... so pretty.
