survey stolen from stapie...

Feeling: clueless
1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be friends? 8. Do you love me? 9. Do you have a crush on me? 10. Would you kiss me? 11. Would you hug me? 12. Have you ever thought about asking me out or going out with me? 13. Physically, what stands out? 14. Emotionally, what stands out? 15. Do you wish I was cooler? 16. On a scale of 1-10, how "hot" am I? 17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 18. Am I loveable? 19. How long have you known me? 20. Describe me in one word and why? 21. What was your first impression? 22. Do you still think that way about me now? 23. What do you think my weakness is? 24. Do you think I'll get married? 25. What makes me happy? 26. What makes me sad? 27. What reminds you of me? 28. If you could give me anything what would it be? 29. How well do you know me? 30. When's the last time you saw me? 31. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 32. Do you think I could kill someone? 33. What is your favorite thing about me? 34. Are you going to put this on your Journal and see what I say about you? haha those things are so silly. but you should fill it out even if it is a bit the stupid ;)
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Clara/You are my other half/4th grade summer school/Widened my vision of life and materialism haha/You are mega-awesome/Gluing on fake nails and eating mozzarella with them while watching Heath Ledger movies, then in the morning soaking our feet in oatmeal while reading teen magazines in the driveway and scooter balleting/hopefully forever and a day/Yes/Yes(not really)/no/yes/no/crazy hott eyes/ensnarement/too late/57.159/ketchup(global)/yes/5yrs
20+/fun/popular/yes but in a diff way/aryanism haha/yes/ensnarement/end of the world/aryans/:x i mean.../like the back of my hand, i can predict your next move/like an hour ago/yep:x/if you were on drugs maybe.../funness and redbottomosity/if i feel like it
Your spouse/No, but we're married/Band Camp last year/Well, I'm married now, and you made me funner/Stop denying me sex/We did this already/For about two more minutes until I tell you that I'VE BEEN CHEATING ON YOU/When you'll let me/Why else would I wait by your locker daily?/When wouldn't I?/<-/No, you were the dominating one in this relationship/Gurl u so fyne/Your love for trouble/Not at all/8423889/Spouse... because the Nelsons are HAWT
Absolutely/About 682 days/Katya... because there are none like you/Newspaper club in 8th grade... I voted for you for editor or something because you seemed responsible/Most of the time ;-)/Getting yourself into pickles/A few more times/The same thing that makes you sad/The same thing that makes you happy/The Nelsons, oboes, ducks, tons of things/The world/We're married/Chesterday/Nope/With those eyes.../You've got spunk/Already did, punk.