Listening to: none
Feeling: elated
today was soo much fun. first Heather met me at my house, but we didn't have any food so my sister drove us to Rite Aid to buy macaroni and cheese. and we got cookies and cheetos and fruit cups and all this crapola i carried around in my bag all day. and then we walked to my house, ate, and waited for Dom to call us. then we rode down to city hall on our bikes to meet Ashley, Frankie, Dom, and Dickie. then we rode up church street (which took foreverrr because Heather's bike is retarded...) and we rode up that hill and had to stop at SMI to refill our water supply that AShley had depleted so she wouldn't die of asthma. Then this nice janitor let us inside so we ran around and into the boys locker rooms and around the water fountain..."everyone said someone pissed in that one, but it isn't true.." yeah thanks Dickie...since that was the one I was USING..haha and then we went and played on the playground because we felt like it. and I climbed up the tube and Heather stood there and laughed and freaked out because she hates SMI. and then we continued on our journey up up up Church street (which also took a long time and many cell phone calls to Heather because she was so far back) and stopped at the corner near the housing complex thingy. then when everyone was almost caught up we continued our journey (and Ashley almost got hit by 2 cars..I almost got hit once), marveled at Casey's house, and I found this hottttt scenic street called Skyline Drive, which also happens to be a really awesome Mae song. And no one would let me go down it because they kind of suck, but the view from where i was standing was beautiful anyway. and then we got to Cappie's after like 2 hours of riding our bikes. and I had a raspberry ice cream soda and everyone had stuff. then I ate Dickie's fries and he was like "Hey...if you didn't buy those, and you're not my girlfriend, you shouldn't be eating those as rapidly as me." and I was like "but these ones are Dom's. I don't discriminate, I'm stealing from both of you." so when we finished there we rode over Truax rode about "2" into Hagaman, even though Ashley didn't believe me that it was 2 miles "Signs never lie..." "Well maybe the changed the road and that one's old.." "They can't DO that..." and then when we got to Dom's house we hung outside because he has a million death kitties that are cute but deadly. and we played with bows and arrows and ate lemon cookies Philamina baked fresh, and drank lemonade she squeezed fresh with her cracked and bloody hands after Dom flogged her sufficiently. (hahahaha....) and thenn we had Cheetos and hung out and I decided we needed to go to Shuttleworth park. so me and Ashley and Dickie raced down the hill by Dom's house (I was in 6th gear and was still peddling like a maniacccc) and it was fun because we almost got hit a few times...and Ashley screamed CAR and cut me off too..then we went past Mark Howland's house and Dom yelled things, then we went through Amsterdam's most luxurious trailer park hotttt. and there were dobermans. or maybe that was Dom's neighbors doberman? "Yeah, they don't feed my grandma sneaks it spaghetti..." don't you love when they don't feed huge menacing dogs..? anyway, so we're at the top of that hill on the Tecler lawn by the playground and I jump off my bike and go down a big bumpy slide and that was fun. then Dom shows me and Frank a "shortcut" which was really a huge deadly dirt hill trail complete with rogue tree roots and rocks. and that's when I turned around and rode down the hill on the sidewalk like a normal person. then we went to Shuttleworth, ditched our bikes near the creek and Dom started wandering around looking for "crawdads" in the creek. and he caught one with his bare hands... "If Pelosi was here, he would've put that right on his penis." "Yeah and said, 'I love the pain'" "Ewwwwww I'm glad he's not here then..." then we all grabbed Dickie's butt because Frank said it was really hard. and it was. then we went on the playground and scared a Puerto Rican family on accident. and Ashley kept going down the red slide and me and Frank explored the other slides with the fake mini rock wall. then Dom climbed on the top of the red slide and spread his legs out and tried to get Ashley to go through. after a quick C-section, she was born. and it was funny. then everyone took turns being born, except me because I was too busy being on the swings laughing. then Dom started pushing me on the swings and I went higher than I have since I was about 6 and my dad still pushed me. and it was awesomeee... till the part when I wasn't holding on and he grabbed the back of the seat in mid-air and I almost fell off and died, but that was fun too. then he twisted the seat Frank was on till Frank was a good 3 feet in the air and let it go. this was the "miracle of birth." and of course we all had to try it. it was sooo scary, oh man...I couldn't see straight for like 4 minutes. it was but scary. and then we talked about penises, and I accidentally talked loud around the little kids and would ask if that was bad...and then we went back to our bikes and went to Frank's house. (which took forever because Heather got lost coming out of Shuttleworth). and Dom almost got into a 2 car accident, which was kind of funny. then we rode past Manda's house all the way down Locust which was the best down hill ride I've ever had. we were going so fast the backend of my bike flipped up a few times and I have was sooo coooool. and I was screaming "FRANK! I'M GOING TOO FAST!!!" the whole time. then we rode across Vet's field and me and Frank cheated and rode through the tennis cage thingy. and then I went down this huuge grass hill by Frank's house and it was soo fun. heehee. then V drove us to Dom's and everyone went inside while I stood out in the garage. and then I poked Phil (that may have been earlier though, can't remember). and then we got a pizza and some Monty Python goodness (and Pineapple soda) and went to my house. (but before that we went to Frank's house to get his sexy movie gift card that had Legolas and Aragorn all dirty and orc-slaying on the front of it). then we went to my house to eat and watch Monty. and that was cool..."I feel happy!!!" hahah MP rules.. then everyone called their parents and we went outside and hung out in front of the house and Ariel and Heather ran down the street for no reason. then I went with my dad to drop off Dickie and Ashley. and we got on Brookside and beggeddd my dad to let us hang out the sunroof again and he said yes. so we were hanging out the sunroof screaming going up Brookside, over that W something street and halfway down Locust till cars started driving past. then he made us get back in the car. then we dropped off Dickie in his hidden street and convinced him to let us hang out the sunroof again down Dickie's hill (which is huge and has a cliff at the bottom) and we did and it was awesomeeeeee.....then we dropped Ashley off and came home. so much funnn, but now my bum hurts from all the biking :X
Read 4 comments
omg that's long. I'm gonna read it now. I commented before I read it. Isnt that cool? I thought so.
Wallin St. The W street was Wallin. I'll finish reading that paragraph now.
Okay. I finished. By the way, you should make your font color more compatible with your background, or vice versa.
yeah i agree
ps sounds like a good time... too bad i was cumbia-ing and had to go get 3 more months worth of pain, aka stupid ortho