_14_My Grandfather

My mom just called to tell me that my grandfather drove himself to the hospital. A while ago they found cancer in his neck. I'm not really sure of anythign though because my mom told my grandmother not to tell me anything, that she would, and she doesn't really. Besides, she's also a habitual liar. Anyways, I just called my grandmother, and she didn't even tell me. I told her mom did and she's like, 'Nothing's wrong he's just got a cold and has been sleepign a lot.' Which is bullshit. Last time I was down there which was a few weeks ago he was doign the same thing. He's got lung cancer. His breathing has gotten horribly worse, he's sleeping all the time, and it's not a peaceful sleep either. I envy my grandmother, she is the strongest person I know. I've only seen her cry once, and that was over being worried about my grandfather. She apologized for not telling me anything or calling me before my mom, but she did't want to call me until she had some information for me. Ugh. I don't know what to do. I feel like I should be with my grandmother but my mom is bringing my brother down instead. My grandmother and grandfather were married very young. They were alcoholics until after I was born. Then they cleaned up. They kinda had too 'cause my mom wasn't goign to play mother. She was too busy with her own drugs and partying then to worry about me. My grandfather never does anythgin for himself. My grandmother cooks, cleans, and waits on him hand and foot. He doesn't even get himself something to drink. She does it for him. She never voices her opinion if it differs from his. But never in her life would she ever think about getting a divorce. She believe s that once you take those vows, you're in it until the day you die. I get a lot from my grandmother, my values, my beliefs in some things (such as marriage), and...I love her more the nI could ever tell, show, or put into words. She is my hero, my role-model, and my life. For her sake, I hope that my grandfather is okay. I love him...but he's not a big part of my life. I hate the way he treats my grandmother, his attitude and beliefs, and his temper sucks. I hate how he always needs to be right. But he has done everything he can for me, and will continue to do so. It would break my grandmother if he were to leave. And I'm really not sure how I would react. Ugh, I'm crying right now. I'm gonna go back into the living room and play with the girls...
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hiyas jasmine,
im sorry that things are so bad...
its great u look up to ur grandmother...
i hope all goes well...i'll be here if u need someone to listen.
best wishes,
I hope your grandfather pulls through this...3 of my grandparents died of cancer if you need anyone to talk to. write back.