boared :s

nothing really happened for the past two days.. weekend was kinda nice.. and since i dont have anything to do so im writting it up here lol. so i went to bubble tea place on sunday to meet kevin.. he was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy when i gave him a cellphone chain.. its kinda cute one and he had it before.. but then his dog kinda eat it and broke it up and he was so upset when it happened.. so i was thinking at that time to buy it again for him.. and so i bought it on saturday and gave it to him on sunday.. he was sooo happy.. i like seeing him smile again.. he always have this grumpy look almost every single day last week.. he got his stuff going bad on monday and his fren ray keeps on making him feel sad.. (altho it made me sad too coz it seems like he still has feeling for ray.. but oh well.. *dont be pissed or anything ok..*) anyways.. he was smilling so biggie when i gave him that and he gave me two pieces of chocolate that his parents bring from hawaii.. [thanks]
Read 3 comments
hehehe, that was sweet of u.
awesomeness. dude I sign lots of comments "random psycho" so we both have random in common! hahaha. peace out man