#127 Grandmas Funeral

well it officially completely hit that grandma was really gone and not coming back when we brought her to the cemetary. I cried the whole time we were there. My brothers were complete asses. hell on the way back from the cemetery Aaron looks at me and is like whats wrong. i just wanted to hit him. We had the police at our house cuz Aaron and Keanna got into it and Aaron was threatenin to commit suicide. before anybody should marry aaron they should date him through the months of Oct thru Jan to see the way he acts and his suicidal stages because he is awful in between those months especially on funerals and holidays. If Keanna thought he was awful today wait until Thanksgiving when he really acts out. every year. i informed aaron and keenan that both of them need to grow up. they were threatenin to hit each other and shit in the car on the way back from the cemetery. I was so pissed at them both.
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