oooh, so sex with ryan is amazing? awesome!! hows it going?
sup ms. active user?
oh im sorry to hear that, funerals are the shittiest situations imaginable. i do not know how to act decently and respectfully, im just uncomfortable at funerals. i have a bruise where the dentist stuck me full of sedative via a needle in my arm, i look like a junkie. but fuck man i cant eat anything crunchy cause ill faint from the pain probably, and im craving pringles! it fucking sucks.
youre not horribly selfish at all! im not kidding either, certain people cant take funerals i bet. im kinda borderline i guess. but they definitly disturb me. and dont feel bad!
what the fuck man! you faint easily eh? ive never fainted, i want to know what its like. i should over excersise one day without drinking or eating and see if i will faint from exertion. maybe.
HELLS NO! the only thing im looking forward to is that hottie mike, and the radio show.
Back in Elementary, we had an awful a capella version that was French/English. In Junior High, we had a Shania Twain version. Now in highschool we have a really cheesy opera one. And the "Thee" at the end is really, really long.