Listening to: Angel of death
Feeling: kawaii
It was so fuckin stupid Aimee and Juli are stupid fucking PREPS!!! THEY ARE THE BIGGEST PREPS I KNOW!!! I CANT STAND THEM!!! We got in this HUGE argument online and they would say things to me and since they arent very good at cussin people out I ended up sayin better things back..It was FUCKIN AWESOME!!! Im at me moms house and I was callin Jake to see if he was home and Ben kept on askin to talk to him he said he was goin to beat him up if he saw him...Bens me sisters friend hes 21 and me sister is 18...All of her friends are hella pertective when it comes to me. ya its hella weird but I guess its ok. I've been movin but I got all the way moved on Monday. But Im at me moms house right now I've been here since Wednesday. Well Its like almost 10:30 and nikki said she would call me back but she still hasnt...So Im sittin here waitin for her to call but I dont thing she is going to call back cause she will probaly end up going to sleep doesnt suprise me she does that sometimes. I've been hella bored!!! I was just holdin me cat but now I went and fed her some milk. My cat had kittens 7 weeks and 5 days ago. She had 4 mittens but one of them died after 4 weeks because she was to small that one was my favorite. But now Snickers is my favorite my mom is letting me keep Snickers its awesome! The other 2 cats names are Mo and Whiskey Shooter but we call him Shooter for short. Well Ya this is hella stupid I know but Im hella bored and I dont know what to do... well ya Im going to go cause im goin to try and call Nikki. so l8er
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Okay, madame. First you upload a picture or animation of your choice in photo manager. Then you rename it to comment_pic.(format of the picture) Good luck! Let me know if you didn't get it. :P bye.

yeah CIY was in Georgia... were your friends there? what state were they from? it was such an awesome time!
hey sorry that last comment was me.. i guess i forgot to log on!
hey u sk8 too?
AWSOME i sk8 alot, i got my board signed by alot of pros, its awsome, wat tricks can u do?