over it all

It's been hard to extinguish such a flame you broke the heart, but i was still the one that was to blame The notes you and i would write the ones we'd stay up and read at night the ones that are in a shoe box below my bed i rested upon my bed knowing your under my head and you'd stay in memories if not dreams because i know how it feels when its not what it seems If the notes had a scent of flowers i'd dream of the plains that you and i once picked stars from in the sky and that moment drifted away but it came back without even a try because it held the time that i was so in love with love knowing i'd be so happy with someone sent to me from above A being that'd sweep me straight off my feet perhaps A girl with wings, an angel would i be scheduled to meet First time i saw you when both our cars collided head first Sent down from above, i thought before i rolled onto what i thought was a hearse an Angel without her wings layed beside me and thats who was sent from above it was the way it was meant to be
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i like this alot.
i like your writtings alot.
