Kay's House!

Listening to: Scars-Papa Roch
Feeling: tenacious
HEY! Yah yah today was so freakin boring! Yah I woke up at 6:30... LATENESS.... Anyways. I got up. Got in the shower.. Got dressed. Did my hair, Got all my shit together and got on the bus.. Yah then I got to school and I hate getting to school and walking infront of everyone who is standing in the hall cause everyone looks at you like you were walking through school in ur underwear.... lol.. Yah anyways.. I got all my shit for class 1-2 and I Gym first which always sucks cause we played football and how ever long it takes to do ur hair in the morning... Well you basicially just fucked up cause it all gets really messy! Yah then Tech Ed... Which was fun cause i have Robbie and Rochelle. Then I had snack. I always knows how snack is.. The one person I look for during snack is..[Drumroll please].... MIKEY!.. Yah lol lean back..Well anyways then I had Science.and then I had Math.. Then Lunch... L.A. then S.S.... Yah whoo hoo huh... But I aced the quiz i had!!! (hahahha mikey u didn't!) Cough cough 89 cough cough.. WHO SAID THAT! Yah then I walked w/ Kay to her house and when we got there we cooked Texas Toast and had that and Pickles... Then she desides to do her homework.. Well we had it in math and I had the same work.. So yah we did that and then had candy then went to practice earley!! lol yah we had fun! lol..... Yah I dont know what my sceduale is tomorrow... I'm so fucked up... lol KJ! Yah well I suppose I should go cause I have to go just because!! lol.. BYE! -Stephanie**
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