Hey everybody!

Hey everyone it's me again. OMG in school today me and Rochelle was sitting there and all of a sudden she tells me that someone had been saying things about my friend kelsay and she's a new girl her nme is Noriaah(I have no clue) Anyway she told he something and I told Rochelle that she should of told her that she needs to go on extream makeover because she looks like a whale I mean she's not big or anything but it's her face.... It was so funny.Rochelle started laughing and then she caughed it was funny then she turned beat red!! hahaha it was really funny. Aparintley I messed up on the last entry I forgot one * so here's to the person that wanted it. Well gots to go. Luv Yaha's! Steph**
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ya steph, Noriah's really nice and u should get to know her better before you make fun of her, ok? ~ Catie D. ~