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Feeling: dancy
Hey everybody! Holey shit today was so funny~ Ohkay I woke up at like 9:30 and I turned on the T.V. and I was watching the notebook with my mom and it was Robbie and he was just seeing how I was doing scence Connor did brake up with me last night for no reason! ANYWAYS Robbie and me talked for like an hour on the phone and his sister was like"Is that your Girlfriend and he was like acually no it's not and his sister wanted to know is i was in high School and he was like no she's gonna be in 8th grade and she was like where does she go to school and he was like Bangor and I screamed like WHAT!!! and she had herd me tell Robbie I lived on verona now and she was like... HAHAHA robbie ur so gay,, She lives on Verona and Goes to BANGOR what the hell!! Robbie i'm not stupid!! HAHAHA it was like so funny I couldn't stop laughing it was just so funny you had to be there!anyways I got to go because Robbie's suppost to call!!! F.Y.I. Robbie and me arn't a couple just to let yah all know! xoxo's -Stephanie/R.W. AnchorWoman!!! LOL
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