
lmao... this 'ineedadvice' dude is funny as HELL! 1) he can't type! 2) he doesn't know what he is talkign about 3) he makes me laugh :) lol i like a good laugh now and then...hahal lollol
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look you need help with ur anerexia
CATE.. YOU LOOK LIKE YOU NEED HELP WITH ANOREXIA!!! AND I NEED TO GET RID OF MY F(L)AT ASS OK!? SO HELP ME!!!!! lolololololololololololol LMAO. i'm like crying its so funny lmao. omg ok i'm trying to calm down.. k bye lol
Yea tell me about it! lol
Love ya! xoxox
baby dont cover it up with laughter..i love you and i need to help you with your vagina!
hello athelda may...lol anyway..im thinking of a new sit name(im soo tired of mine!) have any ideas??
