"hungry eyes"

Well yesterday i went to the movies w/ megg, sarah, tyler♥, alex, cody F, cody D, andy and robbie. it was great. sarah sat on the floor between megg and i ;) hahaha. Megg spent the night last night. it was great. we got out shout~out put on 107.3.. we stayed up online.. we played PS.. and then we went to bed. We woke up.. played PS.. made breakfast.. and then got ready. We went shopping today! hahah WE SAW SANTA AT THE MALL!! ;-) woo hoo!! At the mall, i got cards for mom&dad,tyler, & sam... lol i know random to get sammy one, but it reminded me of him, so of course i HAD to get it lol. i also got my mom her Christmas gift. I think its safe to say what i got Sarah too, sense she NEVER is online anymore. I got her 2 t-shirts at Aero.. but thats not it. lol i just ran outa money. I couldn't get Megg her present b/c she was with me. The card i got for Tyler was wicked cute. At the mall, megg and i got out pics done in that booth. they're black & white. i love black & white photos. i also got my mom and sarah's present rapped at this store. they were supper nice lol. I also saw a VERY reconizable face ;-) On the way back it started to snow.. i love snow..But today, i didn't. Some dumby ran into the back of the car. my mom was totally T-O'D! her new Volvo..with a friggin scratch on it :-P After we brought Megg's to sarah's house. i went with mom and dad to nana's house for supper. our relatives were up, which was nice. Tomorrow i'm going to go bowling. Tyler's mad at me b/c i didn't go to the movies tonight :- .. he put me through the guilt trip on the phone.. and it worked :-( well i'll write l8r. L0//EZ, Catie
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