
Sp0rtyBl0nde18 [8:22 PM]: OMG OMG OMG OMG Sp0rtyBl0nde18 [8:22 PM]: tyler is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! Sp0rtyBl0nde18 [8:23 PM]: i told him that i died my hair black (totally joking) and he was like cool...and i was like you believed it? and he goes... Typower6 [8:22 PM]: i dont care what u die ur hair like baby u will look the same to me chachyand4head [8:23 PM]: awww chachyand4head [8:23 PM]: it's so cute how neither of u know how to spell chachyand4head [8:23 PM]: lol chachyand4head [8:24 PM]: it's dyed Sp0rtyBl0nde18 [8:24 PM]: fuck lol i'm blonde chachyand4head [8:24 PM]: lol
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