If Only It Were True

Listening to: Room Raiders
Feeling: fruity
Well…this is how it started. My mom told me that there weren’t going to be any girls my age at her friends party so I knew I was not going to have all that much fun. When we arrived I looked around and saw this group of guys. They looked my age maybe older..so I casually walked up to them. This guy that I just so happened to be standing next to was very attractive. I like taller guys and he was a tall and gorgeous blue eye guy. He had like a shady blonde hair right below the ear cut too. The other 2 guys were blonde and brunette and the blonde asked me my name. I told him, Sara (duh..although at that moment I kind of forgot) Then all of a sudden the boy next to me put his arm around me. I felt really uncomfortable since my mom was practically right behind us, so we went down on the rocks near the pier where no1 could see us. His arm was still around me, and I didn’t even know his name. The only reason how I found out was by the other boy calling his name. It was Andrew but I kept on calling him Chris by accident cause of his adorable little brother. They were talking about embarrassing moments they had and I kind of just threw in a chuckle now and then, but I was really focused on the way Andrew kept on moving closer and closer. We went out on his boat and he jumped off. So by the end of the boat ride we were all soaked. I told myself I wasn’t going to jump in but after they all gave me big nice..wet hugs I was already soaked. There was a kiss, and another but this all felt so unreal. It was getting darker so we went back in. I really like this guy. He made me feel so safe and comforting in his arms. As we were pulling in an hour went by really fast and it was time for me to go back home. I gave them all hugs and walked away to get in the car. I turned back to smile….when I woke up All day today I have been thinking about him…how does this character just show up in my dreams? I have never seen him before and he was so detailed, and so were the other boys. It was so real. I wish dreams could come true. Its so pathetic but, I’m in love with the man of my dreams… Love Sara
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hey im jenny you left a comment on my thingy, thanks...the bled freaking rocks.....is that tom from blink in the back ground it looks like it they freaking rock and hes hot =) oh ps do i know you?
That is awesome. Lol, I watch my so called life every friday. Jordan is really cute. I like your diary, and hey, my name is Sara too. :).
yes i did
Dude, I get so depressed watchin that show sumtimes. Lmbo, Jordan is just great. I dont think Ive seen him in anything else. Hes great looking though, but shes kinda overdramatic. Lol.
well thanx... lol ur welcome to come to it at any time. Sum1 told me that my writing is interesting lol idk what that means but w/e lol talk to u later byez
the US... you?
i live in stl. it seems like it wouldnt be that hot here, but the humidity was 80% and it was 97 yesterday. hottest day of the summer.
Yes poptarts are good.
i love love LOVE ur diary :)
i love love LOVE ur diary :)
haha im DUMB!! HAHA im in marion county, indy..you?
that last one was me forgot to sign in haha opps