Friday Night Lights

today was my brother's debut into the world of varsity football. he's the first freshman ever in the school history to actually be on varsity and play. im very proud of him. watching him play was awesome. he's actually pretty good. i'd never tell him that though. he would get a big ego quick. tonight i saw my high school dance instructor. i miss her.. she was a good confidant when i need someone. she's losing sooo much wieght. she look fantabolous. tee hee im still kinda sad about yesterday. read the last entry if you don't know what i mean.... it's very sad... im going to starbucks in a little while... tomorrow i have to work. bleh.
Read 7 comments
hey...that's cool about your brother. I just bleached my hair last night. I left the black underneath and i left pink bangs. I really like it! :)
hi there. I'm doing all right, ain't complaining more than I always do. it's never really good. seems like you had a bad day,hu? feel hugged, sweetheart. I'm good at hugging, you'll feel better.
Hey it's been a while since i've talked to you or seen ya! hey well i still need a halloween costum so we should go shopping for one! talk to ya in class =)
tell ur bro he better keep up with those grades though. he might come over here and play for usc (i think they're like #1)

anways. sorry about that incident from ur last entry. i was accused of cheating too early in the term. dumb teacher! i just wanted to shoot him!

anyways. hope u find ur costume soon!

bu bye
hey there, i agree! work sucks. haha, how have you been? its been a while! i finally posted something after months.
hey there, i agree! work sucks. haha, how have you been? its been a while! i finally posted something after months.