hello joe

Listening to: none
Feeling: pensive
OMG. for the third time. it didnt save again. and here i am like alittle idoit re thinking my thoughts and trying to rememer the funny stuff that only comes once. i mentioned brain leakage that spilled so gracioulsy the first time and how my little itty bitty hands are connected to it since they are the ones typing the nonsense and no they don't understane me either. so there. blah. i saw the forgotten with frank and my 2nd cousin or something like that crystal. i say it was the chupacabra. ok. i also had stated once again that my brother turned 15. i had a whole paragrah on how i wanted him to be a good fella but he's into sports and the popular crowd and being a preppy well liked non caring judgemental dork. i shall set him straght. i also said that i love when frank plays with my hair and looks at me with those eyes that know. ya know. awww im melting melting. what a wonderful world. and i want to start getting seriously serious about being serious about getting fit. and taking a dance class. idont want to wake up and be a fat cow. no offense, fat cows are deadly cute, but i dont want to be a fat cow. which are massive cool. haha. babbles are fun. off to polsci and to do bio graphs. BAM!! i just kicked it up a knoch.(sp??) someone save me.
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And about it all I am thinking that the earth, and not the moon at all, is made entirely of cheese. But not a good tasting cheese, because I tried to put some of the earth cheese I found outside on my cracker and it tastes like dirt. Maybe it isn't curdled enough yet.
Little brothers are cool. Especially when their like 5 and have the cutest belly for rasberries
oooh..i like that song you have on ur thingie..it's the first time i hear it! since I never have my speakers on..haha

fat cow..LMAO


man..I'm sure dancing will keep you in shape..especially that hardcore dancing. You know... quebradita...lmao

man..if you know what I'm talking about then ur cracking up..if not then :/


anyways..bu bye and good luck with the frank man!