You wash dishes...ok?

Feeling: geeky
wow.. yesterday was a strange day.. i did what i needed to at home.. the cleaning and cleaning and washing and dusting.. yea ya.. then i watched frank eat lunch and we had a talk about the future of us ever really dating again. i concluded that im a angry person right now and i need to get over my angriness on my own.. let's hope i do.. he left to go play paintball with his friends in mission.. i did alot of thinking. what am i angry at? or feel like bleh for? i don't know. that's all i can think of. i don't know. well then after some toenail polishing and some brushing my hair.. we went to the movies.. we saw the jaket. i liked it. adrian brody. he's so freakin thin. i think i dreamed last night.. but im not sure i know what it was.. ive actually been dreaming lately.. sometimes i go for months without remembering a dream or having a feeling i did dream at all. i took some pictures of my room. i needed some entertainment. me and my dad Image hosted by some random items Image hosted by my teddy bear.. Image hosted by my hat from graduationImage hosted by my stairs.. Image hosted by
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Watch the machinist with christian bale!... he has same size thimbs by the way
that was me leo!! down below hurr
Hahah, yeah. It's great isn't it? I like the poem, even though I have no idea where I'm going to go with it. lol... bye. ♥
you know what would be funny..if I was soo sleepyy and I happened to walk by urs stairs.. oh man!! badtimes!!!
