baseball, band and fucked up

Listening to: my stomach growling
Feeling: anxious
ugh im so hungry i feel like im going to be sick. plus im worried if i made the baseball team or not. and im getting really sick really fast, i cough so freekin much its crazy.... but on a good note i have written my first complete song on my own. its called through the eyes of a martyr. i wrote the guitaring and all that, kyle wrote the drums for it just cuz his version is better naturally. the verse sounds kinda egyption and shit, while everything else sounds so aggressive, and raw. i think its just going to be me and him on that song unless josh can come up with something to go with it or rob. i dunno im just hungry and tired of waiting on this stress with making the team to get over with, i need food some one feed me now lol..... hmmmm, im done rambling ill post those lyrics when i get my computer at home working again. later mike
Read 3 comments
try eating something... then worry about baseball... youre not going to be much good to the team if your vomiting from lack of nutrition!!!! come comment
yeah ive got a talent for writing very soulful stuff, even when im in the best of form... obviously im not today... but anyway... thanks for yourkindness. greatly appreciated. im happy for him
thats some pretty dark stuff.... what did you ex do??? your style of writing is a lot like my boyfriends... you should check his diary out... hes deadandgone