
K i couldn't make up my mind so I took 2 surveys :)

A little (...) survey about yourself

Created by MementoMoria and taken 22 times on bzoink!

Main things
Today's dateJan. 11th '05
Date of birthJuly 27th
Zodiac signLeo the AWESOME lion
...what the heck does ... mean?
BMIwhat's bmi stand for?
Eyesdepends on the color eyeshadow ;P
Hairdarkish kinda blonde
Skin tone? uhh....normal? lol
Band(s)umm...I dunno. I like yellowcard and that weird band em made me listen to. lots of others...
Music style(s)some heavy metal...some rap...anything really
Drink(s)water. yummay..and this minute maid stuff
Food(s)PINEAPPLE, beef jerky, and salted shelled peanuts
Anything else?not really
Sex, love etc.
Bisexual, straight or homosexualSTRAIGHT!
Virgin....no comment
First kisswhat about it?
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend at the present timeNope
Are you in love at the present timeum...not sure on that one. I don't think so
Have you ever been in loveyeah..ahh...good memories :D
Bestfriend(s)ELSYIA, boom, and loppy
Most reliable friendhmm..probably em
Most "insane" friendelysia..the wild child
Internet firend(s)hmm...sarah and liz and a few others...;)
Your personality
Care-takingdoes that mean I care about people? ya...
Suffer from any mental illnesslol..not yet
Describe yourself with max. ten wordsI think I get an attitude problem :) Oh well..thats fine with me

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* How well do you know yourself *

Created by jennifer219 and taken 123 times on bzoink!

* The Basics *
Nicknames:hmm...not any recent ones.
Birthday:July 27th
Place Of Birth:Tunkhannock
Eye Color:depends on the eye shadow color
Body Ills + Skills
Do you bite your nails?no
Can you roll your tongue?um...ask brianna. NO. lol
Do you have any habits?ya..tapping my foot on the ground. lol. does that count?
Have you colored your hair?highlighted it a lot
Do you have any tatoos? Where?no
Which Shoe Goes on First?left
How many cereals are in your cabinet?like 3
Do you Cook?sometimes
How often do you brush your teeth?like 2-3 times a day
How often do you shower or bathe?lol..everyday
Do you swear?no fuckin way
Do you mumble to yourself?not usually
Do you swear?i already told you assholes..I don't fucking swear
Do You sleep Walk?I do sometimes.
Name one thing your obsessed with:salted shelled peanuts
Window seat or aisle?usually window
Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?not anymore
Do you fall asleep with the TV or Radio on?tv usually
When Was The Last Time You...
Watched Bambi?I never saw Bambi. Never. lol. pathetic..i know
Talked on The Phone?um...yesterday
Read A book?like 2 months ago for english

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what do you mean you're not a virgin o_O YOU CRAZY! o-o