
Feeling: busy
School is about to kill me! Ahhhh! We'll have test after test then rush through everything to get it done. All these snow days have been killing us! We had the writing test today which was about integrity...cmon now. Who on earth can write a good paper about that?!?! It'll go on my records(ugh) so I hope I did good. I just don't like biology cuz we test so often. I don't really understand a lot of it and we have a test on it tomorrow too. SO much to do! We've been having soccer every day so after I'm finished with that it's eat, homework,talk to Nathan,bed. Almost like a ritual I go through everyday. Gets boring after a while and stressful cuz there's more work than others each day. I think I'm having some weird hormonal changes cuz I have such confusion in my life right now. I feel that people are mad at me when they aren't(or at least I hope they aren't) and I'm down on myself more. Basically in the "pits" as they say. I'm doing well in soccer and weight lifting too. I just maxed 200 lbs on box squat.Yay me!Not that great though lol.... I've GOT to lose some weight too. Now don't get the impression that I'm huge cuz I'm only like 127 lbs. I just need to firm up the flab on me. Tone up a little bit ya know before going to the beach and prom(which is only like a month away!) STRESSED IS THE WORD OF THE DAY CHILDREN! LEAVE ME NICE UNS!
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