
Listening to: notta
Feeling: bitchy
I hate school. I simply hate it. All the work and the competition that lies behind it just makes me so mad. You have your people who think they're soooo cool and they're a gift to earth. I want to scream at them and tell them how much I can't stand their attitudes! Then you have your people who MUST be the best. Now I must say that this could be jealousy but this...ooh makes me so mad. There's this girl that's on the dance team. A senior. I've known her for several years now and I used to look up to her but now she just seems like a power freak. My boyfriend just beat her for class validictorian and I think that she's taking it out on me or doing some cruel "shoulder brush off" to me. First, she got homecoming queen, I got sophomore attendant too but yet she seemed to make the impression to me that "ooh im still better than you!haha" She never said it, just acted like it ya know? Then this is where the dance team thing comes in. She made up her own dance, knowing that I had taken dance with her for years then puts me in the back and with the less experienced dancers. WHO AM I?! Then she does her little moves all perfect like and expects everyone to ooh and ahh over her moves. BS!! If they don't she just goes "Uck, that was horrible" when it was clear that it was very good. Pisses the crap outta me! We have this thing in practice where we do it in groups and then critic one another. Well... she ALWAYS has something to say, whether it be a simple point of the toe. Geez...OHHH but i haven't gotten to the worse part of it. One of my best friends Krista has a class with her this semester. Well she has gotten so far up her butt that it's rediculous. She's started to even try to be like her, sit like her, eat like her, smile like her, dance like her. Then she talks about her ALL the time. I really hate to see one of my best friends become someone I can't stand.I wish I could just tell her all the things that annoy me. I can't do that though, otherwise I'd be talked about all over the school! I gotta let out some steam, kick a pillow or scream.... Bye ya'll
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whoaa all of the stuff you right sounds exactly like my shool and almost exaclty hoe my life is that weiird it must be the small town thing :)
wowzers- i kno just how u feel!! i totally hate it!! but my bff goes 2 another school- so when stuff like that bugs me i just complain 2 her about it and let off steam that way...... hope things get better- im sur ethey will bc pple like that have bad karma......so it will come back around 2 them