
I just noticed that man i'm a ball of emotions it's not that miss red has knocked on my door(thats been done for this month) its just i'm reaall reall really happy becasue i just saw this movie (Celeste in the city) and it was oo sweet i could have eaten it with spoon..hahaha j/p but yeah it was really sweet and funny..homosexuals rock! their the funny ones in the movie1 haha but yeah it make me think ..i think i might actually be in the vain kind of way but i noticed looks play an almost huge part in the people i like ( for instance i like this guy and he's not the cutest guy on the boat and some of my friends don't like him soo i'm trying not to like him anymore) which u can't just do all in one hour...soo yeah he's not a social butterfly soo what i think i should get over that1 yes i think i should well right now i've been reading ingrids diary and i seriously think i need to read her's mroe because she was cracking me up like she was making butyeah i don't really like jenna anymore and vice vera for her she said i'm REALLY REALLY annoying to jodi ...which i know i can be annoying sometimes but not real real annoyind and natalie murphy thinks i'm the ame to because the both told jodi that soo yeah girls suck ...they should just tell things to my face1...hahaha well i think i need some good old sleep and some soda to ease my bitterness and i hope jenna doesn't make revolution..hmph..
well that's my day Peace PEopleS
Read 4 comments
Fine, Sam, I'll tell it to your face.

I fucking hate you.

Haha, noo. I love you. Hope you & Jenna & Natalie & Jodi get stuff figured out. And if they're being too bitchy, you can always complain to me.

I really think there should be more gay guys in the world, because they're the best sort of friends. They're GUYS, so they don't fight about stupid stuff, plus they usually have good advice. Hee.

Call me tomorrow or something. :)
cool diary!
update bitch!
ingrid stole that commenting pic FROM me dammit.. biters these days!