And if you see her.

AND IF WE CUT OUT THE BAD, WELL THEN WE'D HAVE NOTHING LEFT. "How long has the bleeding been taking place?" "19 days." "Mmmmhmh... and how long ago was your last period?" "Uhm, 32 days ago." "Mm, yes. And how far along are you?" "Excuse me?" The 37-year old doctor eyed me and smiled. "I mean how many months are you?" I could tell this was on very delicate ground. "Miss... Let me rephrase this. You're pregnant, how far along are you? To be clear..." I lay blankly staring, my expression solid. Another doctor walked in. This one, much older, and more quick tempered. He paced toward my hospital bed and questioned impatiently "Why didn't you inform us that you were pregnant?!" "I-" "Did you know that the medications" his voice quicked "you are currently taking are highly dangerous if consumed by the inappropriate individual, especially a pregnant one?" "N-" He began yelling. Nurses ran in yelling frantically. One especially, with red hair and blue gloves, stabbed a shot into me. Then everything went black.
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