my day

Today wasn't anything to special. After going to bed at like 6 am my mom woke me up at noon. She asked if I wanted to go run errands with her so of course since Stafford is boring I decided to go with her. We didn't do to much, we just went to Costco, downtown Fredericksburg, and then Giant. We came home I played my guitar for a little bit then played with my neighbors dog. Then it was time for a nap. So much fun! I woke up just in time for dinner and like a big redneck watched the Nascar race. YEEHAW! That has pretty much been my day. I start work tomorrow. It isn't going to be to much fun since we will be doing inventory. How cool is that? Inventory on the first day back, and on top of that it's a new store so I won't know where anything is. After work though I think my dad and I are going to go visit his parents. I am so happy to see my grandfather. He is the best. I miss my grandmother too but my grandfather has been having some health issues lately and I just want to see him. He is such a great man. Well I need to get off here since I will be waking up at 5 am. Peace in the middle east!
Read 2 comments
i'm glad you get to see your Grandparents. they are so sweet.

ok i miss you
...but i love you even more.
