this weekend

I went home this weekend. HollyB came with me. We got home a little late Friday night. A little while after we got home my mom came home and she decided it was too late to cook dinner so we all ordered some pizza. Friday night we just stayed in. I did some laundry, and hung out with my parents and the miss. Saturday my dad and I woke up early and changed the front brakes on my car, then I changed the oil. Birgen is all better now! I love my Golf. I did however hit my head on the log pile and get myself a nice little scrape on my head. I went inside and got all cleaned up and then we all headed up to see my grandparents. My Grandee and Grandpa both had colds but I had to see them. We had fun we all just caught up. We couldn't stay long though because we were late getting up there and traffic was bad. Before we left though I told my grandparents and parents about the church service Holly and I had attended only a few days earlier. I told them that I knew that Grandpa was sick so I asked for prayer for him and I told them how the Preacher had annointed my hands and said a little prayer and said that the next time I see my Grandpa to put my hands on him and say a prayer for him. The second I said that I had prayed for my Grandpa because he was sick he looked at me and with everything he had he thanked me. So we all got together and held hands and I said a prayer for my Grandpa. We left shortly, but I am completely amazed at how amazing God's love for us is. It was like my Grandpa was given the energy to stand up and come outside and give me a hug and tell me he loves me and say goodbye to everyone else just like that. He has been very sick lately and it would have really taken a lot out of him to do such a thing. On the way home we stopped and ate at Acapulco's which is now Pancho Villa and they had a LIVE Mariachi band. It was so cool! What was up with the biker chicks though? GROSS! We went home and I put some laundry in. Then Holly and I went to Walmart for some Brillo pads for my mom. We then decided to make a trip to Krispee Kreme, or however you spell it, because the "hot doughnuts" sign was on. We surprised my parents with a dozen fresh doughnuts but in two days I had 11 of their 12 doughnuts. They are just that good! This morning I woke up a little early and washed Birgen(my car). Holly, I guess, talked to my mom and got ready while I was doing that. My Aunt called and had told my mom that my that my Grandpa had some trouble last night. I guess he had to pee a lot or something and my mom was saying that next time that that happens they need to check his blood sugar because it could be high. Holly and I took my mom to 7-11 to get a soda and fill Birgen up with gas. Then we headed off. And here I am back in WV all snug in my room at Concord. Now I am going to goto bed! I love you Grandpa! I hope you get well soon!
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I love you too Chrisneigh.

More than the color green, more than PEZ, more than Cheez-Its, more than Abercrombie jeans, more than my Jack Johnson cd, more than taking sleepies, more than the beach, more than Birgen & more than celery, etc.!!!