thank you!

Listening to: explosions in the sky
Feeling: glad
i'm sorry for actin stupid and whatnot. i'm in a great mood. the strokes made me like this. anytime i listen to any of their songs how can you not like that music? it's beautiful. so how is everyone? oh yeah thank you very much who left the comment about my being funny and whatnot. your great. man i just got done recoding alot of cool stuff today at my house and it's the greatest stuff ever. if anyone wants to hear some nintendo dance music just im me if i'm on and i'll send it to you. oh yeah anyone can im me if ya want. well that's about all that's been goin on or whatever. I LOVE YOU!! LATER!
Read 6 comments
well you were like, "my top left picture is so gay, but it's awesome," so i just, i dunno, rewording, i guess. it's really cool though.

also, death cab for cutie and the strokes kick ass!

thanks. and, no problem... LATER!
so ur pants are off eh? jk get back to me

HEY, you didn't come to the last practice! JERK! just kidding, but i do get to punch you now:) no, not really. LATER! net.
i miss you
love the pic